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"Art Slave" available! Read below! by dice

Putting out an open call to let folks know I'm looking for someone to work for / with, in exchange for a lump sum or (more conveniently) equipment.

As some of you may know I have issues with my health that leave me in bed, sometimes for days at a time... and while I could be working at this time (said issues do not prevent this), I don't have the equipment to do so. This is a problem for me, because as a freelancer, I can't really afford to be unable to work.

I've been trying to work towards getting a solution to this, but it's not been in the cards, so I'm looking for someone who loves art to assist me as a sponsor, and the best term I can use to explain this is "art slave" (though indentured servitude this is not!)

The idea is that I'm willing to make available a large number of illustration slots, paid in advance, at a very good deal. To give an idea, my normal commissions start at $200 for a single character illustration (such as this, except as a solo character : , NSFW ), but I'll be including up to 2 characters per illustration at that same rate in this deal, for a number of illustrations to be determined between myself and the client.

The price of this is near or over $2000 USD (again, to be determined with the client), so if you're someone who is not willing and able to put this kind of money into personal illustrations, you probably want to skip this by!

In a client I am looking for someone who...

~ Has good availability and will be able to communicate via email and/or skype regularly to detail progress on the work(s).
~ Is good at communicating what they are looking for in commissions and is organized in their descriptions of such (for the ease of progress in work!)
~ Is willing to commit to a long term working relationship (as this amount of work isn't done in a month!)
~ Wants work with simple or no backgrounds (though more complex ones can certainly be discussed, compromise may be necessary)
~ Is willing and able to pay in either one lump sum, or by shipping equipment directly to me, payment in advance (references and a contract to ensure security of both parties will, of course, be provided!)

As for the commissions themselves, while I'm willing to make some concessions, the following is what I absolutely will not do, even in this situation...

~ Feral PORN (General-audience Feral is fine, and dragons are excluded from this... bring on the dragon porn!)
~ Cub PORN (again, General audience cub/young characters is fine)
~ Bathroom fetishes (Scat/Watersports/Diapers etc)
~ Same-Size Vore (I simply don't feel that I can depict it well, and would rather not do it, because it will end with a dissapointed client!)
~ Super Obese/Slob characters. (Chubby/fat etc is fine, just not extreme)

And the following is what I feel I excel at and/or enjoy working on the most...

~Latex/Glossy/Shiny characters/gear
~Nature scenes (forests/rocks/etc)

If you are interested in this, and wish to discuss/ask questions, please contact me via Skype at dicefuzz. I'll happily go into more detail on an individual basis!

EDIT I also am open to a couple of people taking up this offer seperately for a smaller amount each, or if there is a person/people who would like to nab this as a group. The only catch in the case of a group is I will require one person to act as a liason, for simplicity's sake :)

"Art Slave" available! Read below!


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