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Snowpocalypse 2.0 by huskie666

So very sorry for my quietness lately! I've been working quite a lot at my dayjob and this is the most time off I've had since I got promoted x.X And I'm currently being snowed in by this wicked blizzard that's hitting the Washington DC area :S Supposed to accumulate up to 3 ft and won't be stopping til Sunday morning (when I'm supposed to go in again) - the public transit system closed earlier today and won't open again til possibly Tuesday so it's pretty severe :/ I'm hoping I don't lose power for an extended period of time but in case we do, I do have provisions to keep my family warm, fed and hydrated.
While I do have power (and time) I'll be scanning what I have finished and posting as well as making packages for folks who's assignments are completed - thise will not be going out til earliest Monday or Tuesday latest.
Thank you all for your petience and understanding with my slowness and if you're caught up in this crazy storm as well, stay safe! <3

Snowpocalypse 2.0


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    a bit north and west of you, its looking nasty out there. Yeah, hoping the power stays on. Stay warm.