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Commission Price Increased for 2016 by tsaiwolf

Hey everyone,

Now that it's a little ways into a new year, I figured it was time for some more updates!

Over the last half a year or so I've been slowly trudging back to being on top of my commission stack again, and I have to say that it seems to be going very well. I'm nearly completely caught up; last year at this time I had more than 30 commissions on my to-do list, and this year I am currently down to 5.

My other job is still going to be on hold for the foreseeable future and so I have been making a lot of changes to my commission structure to help me stick to things better in the long run. Unfortunately, this means that I have been struggling over the last months to bring in enough money through commissions to be able to pay for my bills and that has contributed a lot also to the long period of time that it has taken me to start getting back on-track.

I have debated with myself long and hard about this, and I don't think there's a good way for me to continue doing this unless I raise my prices. I know that it's going to be bad news to a lot of people, but unfortunately there is only one of me and I can't keep burning myself out cranking out piece after piece of art and always feeling extreme pressure to move on to the next as soon as possible. To that end I will be raising my prices this year.

It has been almost five years since I did a large price change, and in that time I know things have gotten backed up, and there has been a big learning curve for me to figure out the best way for me to work and how I can keep things going forward for myself as a furry artist. In all honesty, in the time that has past since then the average amount of time that I spend on a commission has increased considerably (along with, I hope, the quality of my work.) Unfortunately, due to the stresses of life, my bills have also more than quadrupled. My student loans are piling up and I have health insurance and a host of other problems to deal with on top of those.

I say this not to get sympathy but just to inform everyone as to why I'm making this decision. I realize that this will probably make my commissions less affordable for potential commissioners, and for that I am truly sorry. But I have crunched the numbers again and again and I can't cut down my monthly budget anymore... the bottom line is that if I'm going to be able to make this work, I need to charge more for my time.

I do hope that with the added income potential, however, that I would be able to do a few things much better. In general, it would be a huge relief for me to have some more breathing room for each commission, so I can really spend time with the commissioner and get them artwork that is great and not feel like I have to push through it as fast as possible so I can pay rent. I will also be partnering with InkedFur to offer a print of your commission that would be included in the price. In addition, I have not been able to afford to get to go to a convention since 2012, and I would very much like to have a little more freedom to make plans in advance and make sure that I can be more present for the fandom at large. And last but certainly not least, I would like to make enough on some commissions that I can actually devote at least enough time per week to really get into Deep Breaths and make it a reality instead of that project that I can't seem to find time to work on.

I hope that everyone will understand why I am making this decision. I still very much enjoy being able to do this artwork, and if I can make some changes to give me what I need as an artist to keep going for the long haul, then I need to make those changes.

Thanks so much for reading, and I hope to have more art for you all to enjoy soon!


Commission Price Increased for 2016


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    Don't ever feel bad for charging what you think you are worth. It is a sad fact in this fandom that artists are often far underpaid for their efforts. I consider your work some of the best around, so please, by all means, charge what YOU feel your art is worth. Nearly every aspect of this fandom is commodity driven, so if people want to participate in that aspect, by its very nature they should be spending money on it. Although it is less of a fact around here, you DO get what you pay for, and people should be paying high prices for high quality products.

    You do you man! Don't let this become a burden instead of a living.