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2016 Art Goals by sugarfurs

2016 Art Goals

I thought it might be nice to take the time to post my artistic goals somewhere so that I could come back and reflect on them at the end of the year. Now, please understand that some of this won't start until Spring (we'll say April) because it makes more sense to me to start the year in April when nature gets going again.

I don't plan on doing anymore discount commissions aside from these I will have specials, but they will be for special types of commissions that I don't typically offer rather than lowered rates on my regular commissions (I may offer these 3-6 times a year). I also plan to do a service dog/medical fundraiser a bit later as well, but that'll be something different and I'll have more details when it happens.

I love drawing, and constantly advertising for commissions regardless of the fact that I really do need the money is making it less fun and I feel like I'm spamming my watchers. (So why not get a "real" job?) I've tried. For six years...there is practically nothing else that I can do because of multiple disabling conditions that have just gotten worse as I've gotten older, so I'm focusing on what I can do. I am trying another part time on-call job as a last resort and am hoping that it works out, but if it doesn't pan out, then, I'll just be here posting and waiting on commissions.

Anyway, the point is that I want to focus more on respecting what I do. I'm not going to undersell myself anymore. My prices are going to start out low until I get back into the swing of things (I've been online and selling furry art off and on for the last 15 years, but college took me out of it for a long time and then I shifted my artistic focus, but I really love drawing anthros (and ponies) more than anything else so I plan to stay. I also want to post the kind of art that got me noticed in the first place when I started out under the name Zentora with my oc Obsidian. If you want to get to know me, then stick around.

I want to continue to develop my own species and characters (which I have lots of) and maybe do some of the things I've dabbled in and thought about,but never done like sewing and making a fursuit of at least one of my characters. But that depends on commissions. I want to create books to fundraise for a service dog for myself, participate in some charity art things, and pay it forward by supporting some of my favorite artists. I'd like to go to FWA and other local cons again, but don't think I'll be well enough to go to cons, so that's probably not going to happen.

Anyway, the goals

  1. Create more finished pieces
    Full shading, highlights, more dynamic poses/anatomy

  2. Work on anatomy
    This can never be good enough, practice, practice, more practice (different positions especially)

  3. Work on backgrounds
    Especially buildings and perspective

  4. Get back into pieces that are more emotional/in depth

  5. Develop the Dreamlander species (panwalla, sweetie corns, etc)
    These things are like 9 years old and need better back stories and some kind of regulation (esp panwalla) to prevent future theft

  6. Crack down more on theft
    I've been ripped off by more popular/visible artists that I know have seen my work. Don't be afraid to report them because I'm probably not the only victim.

  7. More kawaii & pastels
    I really like and am inspired by anime and kind of want that to come through in my style a bit more. Specifically the cute things and old school cartoons. I always say that, but we'll see how it goes

  8. Be more active
    Think of things to say about people's art besides great job. and That looks nice..., fave and watch more people, participate in groups

  9. Sew
    create at least one fursuit (full or partial to include feet, paws, and a tail, and a head), a couple of tails, and maybe a head, get back into making plushies, make some kigus for Katya and Telly

  10. Post the kind of work that warrants commissions
    Goal: 1 full piece every 2-3 weeks, 1 smaller piece a week

  11. Develop my other characters.

2016 Art Goals


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