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Sachiko Reminá Sunchild by SachikoSunchild

Sachiko Reminá Sunchild


Sachiko Reminá Sunchild
83 in human years
7' 2''
215 lbs
Western Dragon/Arctic Longhair Kuldakast

(Art by KeiHound)

Fur bio: Sachiko's body is mainly covered in thick pure white fur while her belly and inner ears are light aqua blue. Her long mane is silver and travels from the base of her neck down her spine, then starts to shorten along her tail. At the end of her tail, her mane disappears in a puff of vary long fur that is the same color as her belly fur. The hair on her head is naturally the same silver color of her mane, but she has dyed it blue with black tips. As a quadruped her fur becomes much longer and she is able to touch the ground with it by lowering herself halfway. The fur coating her wing membrane is light blue. As a mammal, Sachiko does have breasts as anthro while her quadruped form has teats along her waist .

Other colors:

Her tongue is black but fades to purple near it's tip .

Claws, wing spikes, and horns are shiny black. When she is anthro, Sachiko likes to paint her hand claws either pink, silver, or sapphire blue.

Her eyes are emerald green.

Her foot pads are light blue.

Her genital flesh, tailvent mouth flesh and ear tips are black.

Sachiko is quite a athletic girl. Being vary flexible, she can curls up into a ball fairly easily along with curving her body into many positions. Her horns curve down and to the sides slightly while shining like mirrors when polished well. Her muzzle fur hangs slightly over her lips and puffs a bit at her cheeks. Her iris are oval, though at times they seem cat like. Even though most of her family is from the arctic regions, her accent has a scottish sound to it. Inside her muzzle she has two long serrated fangs that curve back. Both of her ears are pierced along the lower parts and she wears tribal earrings in both. Sachiko also wears a triquetra necklace. All four of her paws or both feet when in quad form have wide plump pads under them that are light blue in color. Even though her paws/feet are ment to keep her breed ontop of deep snow, they still remain feministic in shape.

Her quadruped size here:

Height: 24' 4" from ground to top of shoulder.

Length: 68' 1" nose to tail tip

Wingspan: 180ft

Weight: 154 tons

Character Information
