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Fang by PlasmaFang70



2 yrs older than Sid
Dire Wolf

This is a revamp of my Ice Age dire wolf OC, Fang.

Bio: A mysterious wolf whom Sid met at Half Peak, but he didn't reveal his name in the previous stories, and he reappeared in "Melancholy Pain." He was born from a wolf pack in a bitter cold area and was an Alpha and Omega of the pack. Fang grew up with his younger sister and was treated unequal by others because of their mixed fur color. As a teen, he left the pack shortly to go hunt by himself. Outside in the snow, he hunts down a lone gazelle and ate it to satisfy his hunger. More gazelles showed up and tries to kill Fang for murdering their friend but failed. He killed every last one of them until he met a female sloth named Shade/Karen and tackles her. The female stares at the wolf and shivers, saying that she was cold. So Fang decides to take her back with him, and before he could take her home, the wolves from his father's pack worriedly greets the wolf since they found out that he's their leaders' son. The wolves see Shade/Karen and looks at Fang in bewilderment, and the young wolf said that she needs a place to stay. After hearing this, the wolves wanted to disagree, but they couldn't let a mammal like her die in the cold, so they let her stay with him. Back at the pack and inside the cave, Shade/Karen was enjoying Fang and his family's hospitality. He started to have feelings for the sloth, and she felt the same way too. They both immediately fell in love and kissed, much to Reysol and Helen's shock. With that, Fang decides to leave his home with his new girlfriend and his parents approved it decides to let them go. As they the leave the cave and pack, Fang promises to visit them when he has the chance, and his parents and the whole pack bids the couple farewell.

Appearance: Fang is muscular and healthy just like Diego. He has fangs pointing upwards from the bottom of his mouth. He has red and black fur, red nose, purple eyes and purple paw pads. He also has a black moon mark on his back.

Personality/Traits: Like Shade/Karen, Fang loves playing tricks on everyone (mostly Sid). He is shown rough, strong, and caring towards others. He tends to get angry and protective, if anyone ever threatens Sid, Shade/Karen, his sister, Luna or anyone who is close to them. Unlike Diego, Fang does have a sense of humor and likes to brawl with allies and friends. He detests prejudicial, dishonorable and prideful types as well as sadists and others with negative qualities. He also treats Sid like a younger brother to him.

Fur color: Black and Red (body, nose, eyebrows), Purple (paw pads)

Eye color: Purple

Occupation: Leader/Member of the Rogue Misfits, Alpha/Omega Wolf, Rogue, Wanderer/Traveler

Nicknames: Fangy (Shade/Karen), Mutt-face, Mutt-freak, etc. (Diego and others except Brooke, Ellie, Peaches and Louis), Master Fang (The wolves in his father's pack)

Family: Reysol (father), Helen (mother), Luna (younger sister), Byron (uncle), Tammy (aunt), Terry (young cousin), Glen (youngest cousin), Gordon (paternal grandfather), Lilia (paternal grandmother), Unknown maternal grandparents (deceased), Reysol's Wolf Pack, Sid (adoptive brother), Brooke (adoptive sister-in-law)

Friends: Sid, Brooke, Rampart, Roger, Shade/Karen (girlfriend), Ripley, Raven, Remy, Cole, Kent, Terry, Vamir, Syra, Cyril, Claudia, Lynn, Trip, The Herd

Stories: Relationship of a Sloth and a Saber, Meltdown Aftermath, Frozen Melancholy, Continental Aftermath, Melancholy Pain, Rogue Misfits Origins

Ice Age is to Blue Sky.

Artwork/Fang is mine.

Character Information
