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Ice by icebladeabra




Personal Items

Flippers: Due to not having webbing on his fingers or toes, he has a pair of silicone webbed toe socks that help with this issue, and also are thick enough to provide protection to most minor things stepped on

Gold Sunglasses: Rarely seen wearing them over his eyes due to wearing them as more of a frog prince "crown". Mostly just calls them that for comical purposes and doesn't really see himself as any kind of ruler

Manavoid amulet: A snowflake shaped pendant that has been enchanted with multiple redundant magic warding spells. It took several attempts to create as the spells tended to cancel each other out wiping all of the previous wards. It grants the user full immunity to magic and the ability drain magic from other things on contact (if the wearer where to pick up an enchanted sword, the sword would just function as a normal sword until it leaves contact, or if the wearer where to hold on to a creature made of or created by magic, they'll loose energy until they eventually fall asleep, but will never kill them, unless they make direct contact with the amulet itself). The down sides of it is that is wipes all mana from the wearer's body preventing them from being able to use magic and unable to be affected by helpful magic as well including potions)

Holo Visor: A visor that's powered by an odd alien power source that resembles a glowing cube that absorbs solar energy at an amazing rate. It can create hologram projections projected from the ear pieces that can be used for creating holographic copies or even as a disguise. In high power mode it can also create force energy creating barriers, or other solid objects. In emergencies it also creates a close form fitting barrier to protect against potentially fatal blows or accidents. Contact with a holographic disguise will also cause it to solidify, though the texture will be a bit unusual. And finally, it can concentrate energy into a powerful beam of energy, at the cost of a large amount of energy

Ice being always paranoid at times ended up creating a manavoid amulet to protect against those pesky mischievous wizards who love to misuse magic. To counteract his own inability to use magic he created a special visor to simulate magic. Despite that, some sighting have been seen of him using ice and electric elemental magic, and some say he may actually not be a frog either and may be a dragon.

Character Information
