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Matias by Ion-Yggdrasil



Late Teens to Late 20's
5'-4" (162.5cm)
Arctic Fox

Base bought from

Younger cousin of my fursona

Character Info:

Occupation: Student (Studying Bionics and Biology)/Mechanical Limbs Specialists

Character Description: Has an affinity to Lightning.

Personality: Outgoing but absent-minded, almost always seams to be absorbed in thought.

Likes: Anything to do with technology, mechanics and bionics.
Dislikes: Being pulled away from the projects he is working on.

Background: Youngest child of Ion-Yggdrasil's Father's Brother. Has 1 sibling. From a young age was always taking things apart and seeing how they work. Got interested in the emerging bionics field and wants to improve civilian models to be more durable and easier to access while developing more custom advance models for military/mercenary use. After Ion lost his left arm and recovered from his serious injuries, he contacted Matias to construct him an replacement arm that would be capable in his hunting profession. As currently, mechanical limbs could only produce simple motions utilizing the body's natural electrical impulses, Matias began researching a way to incorporate extra power to produce the complex motions needed. He then came up with an idea to incorporate a specialized power source inside the arm that would use the person's heartbeat to charge. He sold Ion on grafting a device on his heart that would charge the extra power source but there was one problem. While Matias had the skill and authority to graft the arm connector to Ion's stump, he would need his sister Meeka's help to graft the device to Ion's heart. Meeka at first didn't approve, since Ion's heart might have suffered minor damage from his injury, but latter agreed to perform the surgery as Ion and Matias would have found someone else to perform it and this way she could make sure it would be done right. Meeka booked an operating room at the Contract Hunter's hospital and prepped Ion for surgery. In the operating room, Ion's clothes were removed, he was placed on a ventilator and Meeka shaved Ion's extra chest fur as she wanted to go through the centre of the chest to led Ion's rib incision to continue to heal and when his chest fur grew back would hide the scar. Matias started to graft the arm connector to Ion's stump while also reinforcing his arm and shoulder bones with metal plates to be able to handle the extra weight of the mechanical arm. Meeka meanwhile made an incision down Ion's chest, opening the breastbone and exposing his heart. She carefully grafted the charging device to Ion's heart while keeping it beating. When she was done, she waited for Matias to finish grafting the arm connector, install the power source under the shoulder and then running the charging cables behind the lungs into the chest cavity where Meeka attached them to the charging device. Matias checked and was overjoyed when Ion's beating heart was generating power to the extra power supply. With Matias happy about how the device was working and was finished grafting the arm connector, Meeka closed Ion's chest. With Ion's breathing starting to get raspy, Meeka and Matias decided not to attach the arm to the connector just yet and sent Ion into recovery. Ion's breathing continued to be raspy and he started to develop a small fever as his body was reacting to the grafts. After a few days, Meeka wanted to remove the graft but Ion pleaded with her to let his body adapt. She told him that if his condition didn't improve within a week or started rapidly deteriorating then she would remove the heart graft. But over the next few days, Ion's condition improved and Matias was finally able to attach Ion's new arm to the connector and he was surprised when Ions was able to fully control it without having to adapt to it (usually can take 8 months to a year). While the arm could produce the complex motions Ion needed, It would deplete rapidly during combat as Ion's heart could not generate the power needed over the power being used (although if doing normal activities the arm could lats all day). Ion and Matias would eventually solve this issue utilizing Ion's natural lightning energy as the main power source, with his heartbeat as a back-up, Matias was still convinced that having an extra power source powered by a person's heartbeat would improve the quality of life for average people and would be adequate for normal routines. Eventually this would become standard for all mechanical limbs.

World/Setting: (Same world as Ion-Yggdrasil): Comes from a world that is a mix of now and older times (there is technology but also swords, knights and other medieval characteristics). The world also has magic users similar to adepts from Golden Sun.

Appearance: Slimmer build, average height with fluffy tail, average sized fox ears and green eyes. White main fur with dark grey chest and belly fur outlined with mid grey. Paws and feet are dark grey with mid grey line near the end. Ear tips are dark grey. Hair is mostly dark grey with mid grey flowing outwards from the top. Tail is white with dark grey tip with mid grey line near the end.

Clothing: Standard clothing of t-shirts and shorts in warmer months and hooded sweatshirts with longer pants on colder months, colour can vary. Never wears shoes or gloves.

Relatives/Family: Meeka (Older Sister), Ion-Yggdrasil (Older Cousin)

Character Information
