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Syvern by Aaawhyme




Char is a Demon Master and commands the largest horde of demons in the Human Realm. He is cruel and desires more demons for his horde (kind of like a boss mobster). He wants to capture Cutts, the demon of Capture himself, not only as a trophy but as an addition to his power. Cutts and Char are both equals in strength and continuously fight for control of the other.

Char has a unique relationship with a pair of Demon Hunters, both Astasia and Zerek, playfully fighting with them whenever they encounter each other. Although, it's much more sinister play fighting on his part, he's had chances to kill either of them on more than one occasion, but enjoys the game of cat and mouse. One day, he plans to fully capture them as human slaves.

The Face of Char
Underneath the mask, Char's face is burnt and melted. When Char lived in Hell with his Fire Lord king, 'Garanzo' he needed no mask, as his eyes were in tact, however; when he escaped Hell to enter the Human Realm, Garanzo didn't let him go without first burning out his eyes, blinding him to all other realms.

After a lot of hardship, Char was able to craft a mask that would allow him to see clearly. Removing the mask is as painful as tearing one's eyes out. The mask that he wears is essentially his eyes, he is blind (and in agony) without it. Should he ever return to his master in Hell, his eyes will be restored, but until then, it is a weakness that he hides very secretly. Not many know of what grotesque monstrosity lies behind his mask.

Extra Info

  • When he escaped Hell, he changed his name from Syvern, to Char.
  • He has 3 sons, which he created, mostly out of curiosity (as no children are ever born in Hell), from a human woman upon his arrival in the life realm - The Blade Brothers- Toru, Torch, and Core.

  • Char learns of the chaos that bestows the hunter kingdom, this taking place many years after Zerek's unfortunate death, and due to a horde breaking out within the city because of Grieve, Char leads his horde to overtake and merge with the one being formed- adding increased chaos and death to the kingdom residents and bringing upon the fall of the demon hunter empire. Thus, he creates the largest horde in existence, powerful enough to overtake any other kingdom in the realm should he wish it.

With nothing to stop him, he becomes the conqueror of the entire continent. His horde spanning all throughout the land, owning all but some of the most elusive demons (Cutts being one of the demon's to continually escape his grasp). Humans are few and far between, and only those villages he deems worthy of sticking around, live in fear of his possible attacks. This is the world in which demonoid Zerek enters when he finally returns to the realm of life.

In the fall of the hunter kingdom however, Astasia's life was lost. As Char refused to lose her soul, he sealed it within her body for over 400 years to come. Unknowing to him, that her violent and angry soul would cause his own demise, when the demonoid Zerek releases her chained soul from within Char's domain, her compressed and angry soul power leads to the eruption of the volcano in which he resides, unable to escape in time, Char is burned alive... finally returning him to his Fire Lord master, Garanzo, who is more than happy to see him after all this time.

HellSpawn (a soul that is warped to be pure demon)
Soul Origin (in regards to soul's formation and reincarnations before the final creation of a demon soul): bat creature once - lizard creature twice - human three times
Demon Soul Age (time wandering Hell as a HellSpawn): roughly 32000 years

  • roughly 15000 years with Garanzo in Hell Realm
  • roughly 280 years in the Human Realm (before Zerek's death)
  • roughly 650 years in the human realm (at Zerek's return to life)

Character Information
