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AfZeRo - Reference advanced by Lunoris

AfZeRo - Reference advanced


AfZeRo - Reference advanced
Acts like a person in their 20s

Afzero is a heavily modified version of Error!sans (oh no another oc based on error).

Unlike his other self. When Afzero was freed from the void he instead of destorying the AU he was at (when he was exposed), he jumped to another one AU immediately.

This au was made up entirely of Furries that helped him over come some problems (and gained new ones).

Inspired by these Furry people he deiced to get some surgery done to make him look more "real". He has flesh and blood and only his head looks some what skeleton like.

Afzero is more social then he was in the past, almost a complete 180 of him in the past. He is still insane but has "methods" to deal with it.

His first method is of course making vent music to relieve him self of his negative thoughts and voices.

Second method is to go out and talk to people in different aus to see if they can help him (he likes to visit underlust and outertale a lot)

Third method is using drugs (mainly acid and weed) to make him relax and get his mind off of things (actually more effective then the rest do to the fact they change his chemistry).

Fourth method is self mutilating. He basically removes pieces of his brain (he is in a lab so a Alphs can help him) with his own strings. He believes this will fix his "flawed" emotions.

Do to these methods of "fixing" him self, he has a hard time getting angry and is mostly in a happy mood.
His "Errors" and "Glitching out" have stopped completely, making him look more normal the other versions of him self.

His personality is friendly, upbeat, psychotic and caring. He may occasionally destory aus but only if they display parasitic properties.
He fights the same way like his past self but he more often then not fights like the normal sans.
He is just stronger and faster at everything, but don't worry, his furry upbring made him less interested in fighting and more interested in partying and raves.

He works in his furry Au's MTT Resort which hosts a lot of raves and furry conventions. He helps Burgerpants with the orders.

He lives in a furhouse (several other furries live with him) in hotland somewhere.

**Fun Rando, the AU Afzero lives in, the humans and monsters never got into a fight due to the raising of popularity of anthropomorphism and anime.
Unlike most AUs, this one is not based in the game, but rather a different reality all together.


He sounds like a feminine guy in their 20s and is pansexual but leans towards guys.

Likes: Video games, parties,music, drugs, pizza, people and monsters, some Aus, the internet, technology and science.

Dislikes: Talking about his past, white quiet places, emptiness (he has monophobia) and being bored.

Powers: Gaster Blasters (rarely used), teleportation (hardly used), traveling to other universes (almost never used), telekinesis (commonly used for setting up raves and raving) and strings (fursuits and clothing only).

*** He has nervous breakdowns if he goes to the antivoid (absolutely will not go back because it brings back bad memories) or anywhere similar.
He can handle being by him self but only for a few hours. He has pets that keep him company at his house.

***The AU he is in can only be accessed if he gives you permission. He has blocked anyone from entering from a unknown power.
Only people with positive emotions or true pacifist are welcomed in (no resetters).

***He is NEVER seen without his furry cosplay outfit and he has PTSD from his past.

Character Information
