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Jacob Grinder/The Grinder by LittleBigDreamer

Jacob Grinder/The Grinder


Jacob Grinder/The Grinder
29 (when he died)
Zalgoid/Ghost Hybrid

NOTE: I did not design Jacob Grinder/The Grinder, :icontheblazergurl: did but I do own Jacob Grinder/The Grinder


name: Jacob Grinder

Age: 29, late twenties but looks two years younger (physically can't age)

species: Zalgoid, Ghost entertiy/dead

D.O.B: 14th of June, 1985

Powers: Levertation, unhinging jaw and growing in size (the last two causes his eyes to turn completely black with black substance pouring out and two little red floating orbs)

Personality: Jacob comes off as a asshole and very self-confident, but, in truth, he actually wants to be normal, once people break his shell, he can still be a asshole but not as much, more kind and can be generous. If it comes to killing, he looses all sanity for that while unless he has killed everyone in sight or someone he cares about yells at him to stop, after this, he will become isolated for at least a few days or weeks.

Flaws: Jacob can't stand the cold so he tends to keep his jumper on most of the time unless it's super hot, he also can be distracted easy and when hurt, it takes longer for him to heal than the normal human. His hands and haft of his face was black because of being a zalgoid, eyes do become red after becoming a ghost.

Fears: Jacob is afraid of dying again and others that he cares about, it's because he felt the pain of dying and doesn't want to feel or let anyone he cares about, feel the pain of death


  • necklace: the necklace is from his sister that was killed by him, feeling horrible for what he did, he kept the necklace and never takes it off. When asked about it, he says he can still feel his sister is with him when he has the necklace.

  • bandana: the bandana is because when he wants to walk amount people, he doesn't want them to run off in fear. So, unless he isn't out doing a job for Zalgo, he will wear the mask, Zalgo doesn't like the idea of Jacob wearing the bandana.

Habbits: biting his lip, mumbling, chewing on his fingers/claws until they bleed

ways of killng: he either grows in size and grinds the victim in his teeth or tears them to shreds using his claws (he has no memory of doing either when he does, all he remembers is blacking out and then waking up covered in blood).


  • (acquaintance) Misty: he has ran into her once or twice (ten times actually) and he doesn't mind her, he just hates one of Misty's personalities, Cheshire, since Cheshire tends to annoy the shit out of him

  • (friemies) Silence/Jake Silence: Jacob and Jake don't like each other, Jake thinks that Jacob is trying to take Misty away from him. But besides that, they're friemies (meaning that they are friends and enemies)

  • (Girfriend) Solari (belongs to :iconnayacat: ): Jacob and Solari met by accident when Jacob had gotten into a fight with Jake, Jake had pushed Jacob, needing to quickly find a way to not face plant, he grabbed onto the nearest thing, which was Solari's legs as she was passing through and accidentally pushed her over, because of this, Jacob and Solari weren't on good terms but soon, they started to draw closer over time. A couple of months later, after blurting out that he liked Solari more than a friend (as a girlfriend), they started dating

  • Rachel Laren Grinder (adopted daughter): Jacob had found her on the streets one night and since he doesn't want the child to die, he adopted her and named her Rachel, he's very protective of Rachel (story; here )

To Rachel's reference sheet; here

  • Miwa (biological daughter) (belongs to both me and Nayacat); Miwa's one of the three lights in Jacob's life, the other two being Rachel and Solari, and because of these three, he keeps himself from going insane. Wanting to keep a role model for the young girl and keep her innocent as long as possible, he avoids killing anyone around her. Like Rachel, Jacob's very protective of Miwa, and if anyone were to hurt her, they'd have to answer to him or Rachel.

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