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Anne "Maxine" Rhodes by PhialeOfMystery

Anne "Maxine" Rhodes


Anne "Maxine" Rhodes
75 lbs

It's about time I put together a refsheet for Maxine, a character I've been drawing a lot as of late!

Character: From my superhero/kung fu movie/retrotastic setting Hard Rock 2020, Maxine is a scrappy troublemaker equipped with rocket boots of her own design, built from salvaged scrap, and a magic talking axe who she found lodged in a rock in the middle of the woods once (it’s a long story).

Her father an archaeologist, and her mother a professor thought to have died in a lab accident years ago, she’s inherited her parent’s aptitude for science and engineering, with the potential to surpass both of them provided she nurtures her talents and doesn’t waste them.

Currently being mentored by the mad scientist Dr. Megawatt and the mysterious martial artist Mirari, while working under their wings as a trainee superhero.

Maxine's Personality: Rebellious and headstrong with a snide sense of humor, she carries a lot of pent-up anger and has a penchant for vandalizing other peoples' things when she decides they deserve it. Despite this, she has a strong sense of justice and hates seeing innocent people, especially children, wronged or otherwise treated poorly.

Although she'd usually prefer to hide it, she's prone to geeking out at various things, such as meeting her idols (including the superhero Leona, whose skull emblem graces the front of her shirt), advanced technology, muscle cars, comics, and cheesy Tokusatsu shows. And last but not least, she has an inordinate fondness for digging in trash, especially when it comes to salvaging machinery and electronics.

Tyrokk's Personality: Haughty, short-tempered and still believing himself to be a powerful grand sorcerer of old, Tyrokk delights in the mayhem Maxine causes, eagerly goading her into breaking laws and property alike no matter how petty, though she doesn't usually need much convincing. Despite his outward aggression and arrogance, he is fond of Maxine in an odd "cool uncle" kind of way, often communing with her in dreams via astral plane, the only place where he retains his true form. Here, he often tries to teach her his wealth of arcane knowledge as well as practical magical powers, though without much success as of yet.

Maxine's Powers/Abilities: Genius-level aptitude for engineering, speed and agility enhanced by her self-designed rocket boots, skill with her axe (including the strength that implies), and the variety of talents one might expect from someone who spends a lot of time on the street, such as lockpicking, competence at fist-fighting, and making homemade explosives.

Tyrokk's Powers/Abilities: Mastery of arcane powers, which while significantly weakened by being trapped in an axe, still manifest in various small ways such as powering Maxine's boots, cutting through most materials with ease, and dream-walking.

Character Information



  • Link

    I like that you kept her true to her species :D

  • Link

    this is so cool!! i really like the rocket boot designs and her fashion is rad as heck