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Jeanne by Karma's Camera


Karma's Camera

121 lbs.

Pronunciation: Sh-awn

Type: Bug/Fire

Ability: Flame Body

Background: Jeanne is another result of a "successful" genetic splicing by Aegistech ever since she was a Larvesta; now carrying the genes of an Ariados and a Delphox. While growing up, she was told that her powers would grow tremendously more powerful over time by the scientists. Her young, naïve self wanted to excitedly tell those she came across; spreading what advancements the company could provide for civilization. However no one seemed to believe Jeanne and most even ridiculed her, as they believed that Aegistech only supplied technology to the public. This left her doubting of her own credibility, and it grew over time.

But when Jeanne met Karma just as her powers fully were blossoming as a Volcarona, he believed her, as he knew what the company was capable of with his "enhancements". Overjoyed upon finally meeting someone who finally accepted her words, she decided to move into Sacred Living right next door to Karma and Ria's apartment.

Physical Traits/Techniques: Jeanne's wings and tough exoskeleton can retreat within herself, with the latter being able to cover her entire body as if it were body armor. She doesn't completely hide her exoskeleton often, as doing so is reserved for intimate moments. She is also made up of countless living threads that can reattach themselves to any of her missing limbs; even her head can reattach itself if it's cut off from her body and can move without it.

In addition to controlling brilliant purple fire and heat, Jeanne can release a thin, purple, silk-like substance from all of her limbs (including her proboscis) that is five times stronger than steel and can manifest into various forms and herself when bundled together. These threads can attach to a living being's limb and can block neural impulses from their brain, giving her complete control of the area the thread is attached to, as if they were a puppet. The threads can even ignite at her command, with large bundles of them erupting into a towering inferno.

One of Jeanne's favorite techniques is to first grow her wings to their fullest, then use them to suddenly bind and swaddle a subject to pull them into a tight embrace, and finally, superheat her body and wings to the point where the victim becomes a pile of smoldering ash instantly! She dubs thew process as "Heresy of Embers". This technique is also used on those she likes for a good scare, except that the "superheating" is replaced by a warm, comforting temperature and a loving cuddle.

Personality: Jeanne's mood is a like a seesaw; she can have the sweetest, most loving, and motherly disposition anyone has ever seen, but when angered in the slightest, her rage burns just as hot as her fire, if not hotter! Also, she's the ultimate tease when it comes to using her threads, but understands when someone has had to much of her threads or wants more of them. Jeanne has even opened up a cuisine as the head chef, as she developed her cooking skills over time and are second to none within Kizuna when it comes to that field. Being able to use her threads to handle multiple tasks at once when crafting a dish definitely works wonders for her!

ALL the bug-hugs belong to her~ <3

And yes, she's basically a reverse shiny!

A couple of thing inspired me to do this back then:

  1. After hearing Arcade Fire - "Joan of Arc" and knowing her being burned at the stake and such
  2. I just remembered how much I really like Volcaronas~ I love the wings and how fluffy their hair is~! c:
  3. One Piece's Don Quioxte Doflamingo and his whole deal with strings; even his feather boa made it in, somehow |D
  4. And Kill la Kill's Life Fibers; watch/read it, and you'll know

Volcarona belongs to Nintendo/Gamefreak
Jeanne belongs to me