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Tänòr Zéta Fä'üx by TanorFaux

Tänòr Zéta Fä'üx


Tänòr Zéta Fä'üx
26 or 624+
Oltanian Afghan Fox

Tänòr Zéta Fä'üx (Tah-ner Ze-ay-tah Fah-uuks) is an Oltanian Fox, specifically of the Oltanian Afghan Fox species. He is from Planet Oltanis in the Solana Galaxy. He originates in the Ratchet and Clank universe, and shares history with those two as well. Tanor is also born on the same planet that Captain Qwark was.

Tanor is a multi-tailed fox, and one of the few that grows more tails every so often. He is one of the Legendary Oltanians that gained the rare abilities from his ancestor Astexal (As-tell), and Tanor's lineage starts with Astexal's second son or also known as a Star, T'oh. T'ohtexal (T-oh-tell), T'ohtexal was the 2nd Star, or a Star God as referred to the King of their respective tribes. This is similar to how Mesopotamia had multiple city-states and multiple kings. The Oltanian history is like that.

Tanor is currently a CEO of MegaCorp & Gadgetron, but is also the lead manufacturer of the technology from his personal labs, though due to moving up to this position, he does not always put his personal touch on his devices, but his robots who are made with his personal touch, try to.

Tanor is about 26 years old right now, and in the story series thus far, he is 28, in the start of Oltanis Sigma, and right now is in the Time-Skip between Oltanis Z and Oltanis S.

Tanor has a wife, Irona Ikira, another Oltanian Fox/Vixen, and has a 7 year old son in the story series; Oltan. Oltan Sevolta Fa'ux.

Tanor is also the leader of the legendary 13, known as the Oltanis Team, originally owned by Maru Akane Kiba (Marius Erebus Kibellicus), whom is Tanor's best friend and along with Maru's partner, Kota, were the original trio that formed Maru's "Maru Team", (Maru wasn't that creative with names, but we went with it.)

Tanor's Oltanis Team is made up of fighters, warriors, and friends alike, that have fought for common goals. The team was made up of former villains, or current villains, and heroes alike.

Tanor formed that team when he was around 18. The Oltanis Team's main goal was to go after Mecha Tanor (then named as Nitrider later (Nai-tri-der), and fight off anyone that obstructed their goals, and Tanor's secret goal that no one on the Oltanis Team would know about until Oltanis Sigma's 2nd season.

Tanor and all other characters are from my series Oltanis, and Tanor, Maru, and Kota are all expys from fanfictions that I have written before I discovered the Furry Fandom in December of 2008. (Hehe, I've always been a furry, but this is just the official~).

I have been writing about Tanor's character and the others since 2009, Tanor was not my first fursona, or character, but he's definitely one of my closest pals that I could ever co-exist with. This goes out to all my other characters that I grew close to, and in fact, there's 6 others.

Maru, Teiden, Karyu, Ronata, Darkus, and Oltan for the kidfur in me and the son I'll never have. :3