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Mythril (Myynmyythrayyl) by ExplosivePancakeMix96

Mythril (Myynmyythrayyl)


Mythril (Myynmyythrayyl)
(dependant on diet and physical form) 5'4"
Remotio parasitus figurant abominatio

Common names: Mythril, Silence, Fall of Titan or any name given to the previous, often deceased owner of its current disguise

Origin: Sol 6 VI aka. Titan; somewhere around the Mithrim Montes district

Myynmytraayl is a cellular parasitic organism that uses long range biological telepathy to communicate between sibling cells, these cells often form large colonies that tend to form replicas of the prey caught by the mass. Usually using the biomass received from said prey.

A distinct cluster of this parasite was hit with a last ditch effort at stopping the spread. This delayed serum caused it to gain it's own sentience away from the collective. However did not spare the creators from their fate.

The only known siting of this creature on earth is a cluster known as mythril, or silence. A creature that on first arrival, reportedly consumed around 5 ponies in cold blood. Before being hit with what witnesses described as "a wave of sympathy. And strangely inappropriate kindness" it attempted to heal a pony it injured after seeing it's friend rush to defend her.

After a full psychological and physical assessment the cluster was deemed to have not been in control of its own colective awareness at the time of murder, therefore was pardoned of crimes by celestia herself, stating it must find a way to repay the families of the victims and that, just as discord , one false move and it's eternal banishment.

Last sighting of this creature, it was found to have acquired a pony that followed it around, sometimes engaging in passionate activities. Though, Remotio have yet to reveal the true nature of reproduction and relationships between the parasite and a standard organism.

Due to the Celestial body of origin of the creature, it's body is comprised of ethanol base instead of water as it is designed to live with temperatures that rarely exceed -150°C (-238°F or 123.15°K) and an atmospheric pressure of 146.7 Kpa. and due to a large (98.4%) atmosperic composition of nitrogen, is designed to breath it as earth-born creatures breath oxygen. every living cell on the body is capable of this job, however, they can be re-shaped and specialized to act as liver, heart, kidney and every other organ cell to further increase to level of disguise by replicating every small detail of the "prey" however due to it using genetic codes from DNA to do this, cosmetic and enviromental parts of the body, such as tattoos, scars and broken bones are not replicable by the cells and therefore can be a rather dead giveaway.

the cells can, however, form a generic and customiseable appearence of one of the species it has consumed, a much better disguise to hide in, but not good for hunting, as prey tends to be suspicious of newcomers.
"Mythril" chooses a bland mocha, chocolate and orange form to use day to day, providing sufficient comfort to the local population. though her body mass does not allow her to be smaller than 5' 2" tall, which makes her stand out a little, being a mare the size of princess luna herself.

Character Information
