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Aurum by Seebaru



Male (?)
Dutch Angel Dragon

Aurum is young, playful and quite the prankster. He usually roams in the Aether realm, looking for contacts with Terra. His powers concern the ability to manipulate either fire or earth, but NOT both at the same time - the two of them alternate themselves from one reincarnation to the other, without ever coexisting.
He was called "aurum", just like the latin name of gold, because of his golden eye and wings, that are often the two elements that the most powerful inhabitants of Terra can get a glimpse of when he's the nearest to their realm; nonetheless, it's still not clear where did Aurum get his name, nor who called him that for the first time: he is not able to speak and he seems reluctant to even share these informations with others.

With a particularly warm body and kind attitude, Aurum is the kind of dragon who would happily reach for the ones who need comfort and company, and usually gives off an aura of both peacefulness with a taint of melancholy. His symbols are autumn, golden leaves and embers - all things that symbolize the final wave of warmth before winter, darkness and cold.

As for his noise, Aurum doesn't have a specific one. Some time ago he used to make the same noise as whales, but recently he got to know the noise of cars that go through motorways - and he decided that the best sound to represent him was the honk of a truck. Needless to say he enjoys to surprise others by honking at them early in the morning, much to everyone's displeasure.

Under construction.
Art © angelsnest (FA)
Thumbnail © baronessa (FA)
Adopted from YummyOnigiri (FA)

Character Information
