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Synge / Tanner / Zinc by Syngez

Synge / Tanner / Zinc


Synge / Tanner / Zinc

These are all the forms my fursona can take.

Synge is by default, my fursona. However, as I am genderfluid, there is a male form, Tanner. Zinc is an "alter-ego".

FINALLY got around to doing a reference for Synge and her other "forms".

As my page says, I am genderfluid. It's hard for me to express that, but my character has both a male and a female form.

I'm going to tell about each of these guys here in order of when they came along in my life as well as describe aspects. Important to note: these are all ONE character, just different variations of it. They are NOT separate.

Link to my Stash of them (plus all my other characters):
THE DESCRIPTIONS ARE NOT CURRENTLY CORRECT. I had to move my stash file and they got all messed up so the descriptions are shown in all the wrong places. Too lazy to figure it out, so just ignore it for now!! thanks,



When I was younger, around 12 years old, I designed Tanner as my 'fursona'. He was the original. I designed him because I needed something to represent me as male, so he became my fursona. When I designed him I felt predominantly male, so he was the only character I identified as and the only one I really drew. Over time I designed more characters of course but he was my main one.
As time went on, I started to feel more female. Of course I still felt male, but occasionally started to feel female. So I started to draw Tanner differently, more as a female occasionally. This started about two years ago, when I was 16. Of course I posted drawings of Tanner as female but never really said anything. I'm really just now explaining it fully and making it public. Sorry to those who were confused for a while! I still go by Tanner as a name, but I also respond to Synge.


Late 2013 and all of last year was when Tanner became Synge dominantly. Tanner still exists of course, but now I mainly draw Synge. I'm female by birth, so I chose to have Synge as my dominant mainly because over time I started to feel more feminine. I do have days or even weeks where I feel male and wish to be, but I usually go back to feeling female. And so, Synge became a permanent part of me and my main 'fursona'.


Zinc is the "alter-ego" of Synge. Yeah, pretty damn cliche, I know. But he came along around in 2013. I started to draw him whenever I'd vent, need to draw something angry or mocking, or anything else of the sort. He didn't have a name or any real relevance until mid-2014 when I chose to name him and have him "become" a form of Synge herself. Synge "becomes" Zinc when she gets really stressed, scared, or emotional in any negative way. I never usually posted images of him online, and I still don't as they're usually really personal.


All of the personality traits listed are those traits that I physically am in real life when I "identify" as that character.

Gender: Female
Height: 4'
Personality traits: Easygoing, playful, happy-go-lucky, sarcastic, sassy, sometimes moody, loving.
Details: Wears a blue scarf. Her tail is unusually flexible and kind of acts like a fox's tail at times. She is a lot more fluffy than Tanner and her fur is extremely soft.

Gender: Male
Height: 4'7"
Personality traits: Gets grumpy easily, extremely sarcastic, passive aggressive, snarky, joker, hothead at times.
Details: Wears a ragged(kind of wrinkled) red scarf that is torn at the ends. His tail is rather stuff and bends upward like a husky's. His fir lies down flat and is smooth but rough, and is not really fluffy at all except on his tail.

Gender: No gender.
Height: 5'3"
Personality traits: Angry, depressed, has PTSD, anxiety, BPD(He only has these disorders because I actually do. They are not just for "originality". Thank you.), quick to jump to conclusions, very, very judgmental, yells a lot, ignorant, gives up easily. He likes to make fun at others occasionally and mistakes jealousy for hatred.
Details: Wears a very torn and frayed black scarf. His tail is ALWAYS down and is like a wolfs tail but ragged and never rises. His fur is spikey and rough, never soft.

Anyways, thank you all for sitting here and reading this long ass description. A+. I finally decided to come out with this in detail and it took a lot of work and was really hard for me to come out with a lot of stuff. Thanks for reading

Art, and characters, are all (c) to me.

Character Information
