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Rikka Roo by Trix Master

Rikka Roo

Trix Master

Rikka Roo

Rikka used to be a fairly known scientist, trying to research metamorphosis and transformations. Seeing if it was possible to cure certain transformations, such as were-ones. But after the over throw of the king (Anti-Max), she was dragged to the Acorn Castle and was forced to do a different type of research (By Alicia's orders of course.), far beyond her knowledge. How to make people into machines. When she couldn't come up with any results, she was to be sentenced to death. But Rikka used her knowledge and did make drug that would give her the strength that she needed to break out of the dungeon cell. Which she did, and escaped into the thorn woods. But after a few days of wandering in the forest, she noticed a slight side effect from her drug. It was beginning to make her lose her sanity, making her somewhat feral. Worried if she will lose her sanity, or if the side effect will ever wear out. Days went on, Rikka finally found a cave that she could sleep in. The drug was still in her bloodstream. Then one day, she was attacked by a naga named Vipress, who was hunting. The two did struggle for a while, until both were exhausted, with only enough energy to flee. Rikka fled, in hopes of finding a small town to rest in. But instead found a old Lab hide house. Which was also good too. She went in the house, and saw how filthy it was, but that didn't matter to the kangaroo, she just needed a place to rest. Later in the week after that encounter, there were some of the kingdom knights scouting the area she was in. Startled by them Rikka tried hiding under a Window in hopes of the knights to pass by, but something else happened. Vipress was attacking the knights, and only caught 1 of them, the other fled. Rikka looked out see what happened. And was surprised by the Familiar Naga being there. Little afterwards, they decided to form a friendship. Or at least some kind of alliance, to kick Alicia and her forces off their high horse.
Though afterwards, they did find a small town and Rikka decided to get some things and clean up the lab house. And get some science instruments to continue some research that she was working on. With Vipress helping out by catching any near by moebians that can be experimented on. Since before the events Rikka used non moebian lab rats for her research. But it didn't help a lot.

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