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Gluttony by impydragon



female | demisexual
156 cm
Sin, ‘Prince’ of Hell, Beast

Also known as: Beelzebub, Beel, Belzy

Sloth – she likes to stay close to Sloth and make sure she won’t die due to the lack of self-care. Whenever she can she feeds her older sister and helps her take care of most troublesome stuff. Her favorite hobby around Sloth is mess with her hair.
Anger – she disapproves Anger’s attitude and tries to calm him whenever she can, even though it’s proven to be an impossible task over the years.
Greed – she has big gratitude for what Greed did for her on the past; and still does. She also feeds romantic feelings for Greed, she loves to go out and on dates with her.
Envy – she likes to help Envy whenever she can; she thinks the other treat him rather poorly. However she has a hard time contacting him, due to Greed’s over protection.
Pride – they don’t interact much, but have a positive relationship regardless.
Lust – she enjoys Lust around as xe’s a nice conversation partner. Xe’s Gluttony’s contact with Envy and the easier way she has to check on him.
Cookie – she likes to try feeding it with normal food even knowing it only eats souls.

She’s very sweet and supportive and usually worries about her siblings. She loves to eat and feed others; even those who don’t actually eat, like Cookie. However don’t hit her triggers; she can be quite aggressive if provoked.

She had a complication in her past due to her proximity with humans, leading her to get rid of her eyes and face a terrible depression. Thanks to Greed she learned how to manage her depression and have a more healthy relationship with others.

-Her huge gap/mouth can almost instantly digest many things.
-Despite the lack of eyes, Gluttony developed a good sense and can feel her around as well as souls.
-She prefers sweets over salty, but will eat everything regardless.