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Chiaroscuro by Skyerae



24 in human years

Arquals are amphibious reptilians that are vividly coloured and mimic eels' diverse patterns as a tactical advantage for camouflage, intimidation, or attraction. They are often spotted resting on small islands formed from lava or on sparsely populated beaches. Often in legend adult Arquals are mistaken for being colossal ship-destroying sea serpents, however this is because when large seafaring ships became a common thing, Arquals did not adjust easily. Due to their lack of having a tail, they use their broad paws to propel them in the direction they want to go. Surprisingly adult Arquals can gain a lot of momentum and have a hard time changing course, and so this is why many collisions with ships occur.
General Facts
Average Lifespan: 190-200 years. Oldest on record is an incredible 211 years. Unfortunately, the average lifespan is becoming shorter as the juveniles are hunted for their meat and skeleton (the latter is very popular as tourist curios and hunting keepsakes.)
Adult Length: The smallest are the size of a grey whale, and the largest have been recorded as the length of a fin whale.
Hunting Technique: They ambush animals that stray into the water just off the shore and also catch the fish in their surrounding territory.
Behavior: Groups of females will live together for their whole lives and fend a vast piece of ocean as their hunting and breeding territory with their lives. Males will make their way between these groups and will be accepted in one if they are not chased away by the hoard of females. Apart from mating season, males will settle in a smaller hunting ground than the group of females and will be twice as vicious due to being a solo predator. Both sexes are often let their curious side take over if they are caught in a good mood. There have been more than a few cases of homosexuality documented as well.
Appearance: A diverse selection of combinations of patterns and colours similar to that of eels, and a few albinos have been spotted throughout recent years of documentation.

These gorgeous beasties' design was inspired by the basilosaurus, the many types of eel, and my tendency to draw reptilians with no scales. :>

Character Information
