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Fafnear Haventhrone by Fafnear

Fafnear Haventhrone


Fafnear Haventhrone
Appears Ageless

This is the longest history I have for a character, so I will be updating this over time.

A monstrous Norse dragon, and a gentle Japanese River Spirit. Those two were the contributing pools from which Fafnear sprung. Though the conception was not mutual, the gentle River Spirit could not forsake the egg she was made to have, and took care in hatching her offspring. The horrid abomination of mingled blood.

Pollution took the River Spirits life when Fafnear was but a young newborn. Barely four years of age and left to wonder the forests alone. A newborns cry brought the attention of hunters quickly enough, but it also brought the attention of someone else. A wizard who had been passing through came on the crying babe, and with deft magics dispelled the hunters and dark spirits looking to get ahold of Fafnear.

Over the next twenty years the wizard trained the young Fafnear, teaching it spells and to tap into magic. But, as the creature grew, so did its appetite for power. Eventually, seeing this creature becoming a monster, the wizard left, disappearing over night with no trace. Free to roam as it willed, the creature took on its fathers evil ways. Attacking villages, hoarding gold. Of course that doesn't go unpunished for long and soon the hunters came with their weapons and magic.

The years after were a blurr of activity. The mighty creature lost its fortune, became hunted without stop. It wasn't until the creature was left in a field, impaled on spears and arrows that something in the back of its mind took over. A realization of all the things the wizard had taught. In a last bid to save its life it pulled the weapons from its body and began to cast the healing magics it was taught.

After that event, the creature traveled all over the world, learning from any and everyone willing to teach it something. It even visited its homelands, where it learned to master its inherent abilities in shapeshifting. From there, it began to lend its talents and abilities for money, selling itself as a sellsword, sellmage, and adviser. For years this went on, teaching others as others had taught it, and it eventually stopped charging for its services.

Then, one day, Fafnear just disappeared. Dropped off the face of the earth with nary a word. For many decades the shapeshifter was gone, leaving many to believe it had died. But, recently, sightings have started to occur, and stories are being passed around Inns and Taverns of a familiar figure at the side of kings and nobles. Or a mythical being deep in the forest to whom all may seek for advice, but doesn't always appear to those 'unworthy'. Who knows, maybe Fafnear Haventhrone has truly returned. Or maybe, they are just stories.

Character Information
