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Wraith Öldroth by Delthero

Wraith Öldroth


Wraith Öldroth
Young Adult
175 lbs
Western Energy Dragon

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Wraith is a very kind dragon, and he enjoys helping others out. Around his friends and people he likes, he is very fun-loving, upbeat, and mischievous. He enjoys the company of his friends when they are available. However, he does like his space, and often goes off on his own for a while. If he is left alone for too long, though, he becomes depressed until he sees his friends again.

He is protective of his friends; not in a fatherly way, but in a ‘I will beat you if you hurt them’ kind of way. He doesn’t like unnecessary conflict, but he isn’t afraid to put himself in harm’s way for others. He is also very stubborn- once he sets his mind on something, almost nothing will get him to change it. Despite that, though, he is very open-minded, and is always available to listen to other peoples’ opinions (even if he doesn’t agree with them).


-He is almost always energetic around his friends, and is good at lifting their moods if they are feeling down. He is protective of his friends, and will do almost anything to make them feel better.

-Although he isn’t great at giving advice, he is always willing to listen to other people and their opinions. Even if he doesn’t agree with someone, he doesn’t challenge their opinions unless they say something against his.

-He can breathe fire, which is a green color due to traces of copper sulfate in his fire-producing glands.

-He can fly, run, and swim. He can’t run for very long distances, and he can only stay underwater for a few minutes, but he can fly for hours.

-He can control the energy in his body as well as the energy around him through his magic abilities. He specializes in fire-based spells, but he can also do various other small spells, such as basic transformation, teleportation, and healing.


-He is very stubborn, and when he is angered, he rarely thinks about the consequences of a situation before he takes action. This has often led to him getting in very sticky situations, and has even led to him getting hurt on a few occasions. This also leads to him holding grudges against people because of his stubbornness.

-He is very prideful, but struggles with low self-esteem. He’s fine when he’s around his friends, but if someone says something that makes him feel bad about himself, he becomes withdrawn and depressed, and might even go off on his own for a while until he feels better.

-Although he is skilled at magic, he is far from an expert. He specializes in fire magic, so any other kind of magic he isn’t too great at. For instance, he can do healing spells and teleporting spells, but he can’t cure diseases, and he can’t transport more than one person at a time.

-If he strains himself too much when he uses magic, he can become ill himself from lack of energy. Also, if he charges up too much energy in his body and doesn’t do anything with it, the energy can act uncontrollably, and he is in danger of hurting himself or someone around him with the wild magic.

-Although his scales are tough (he has tiny interlocking scales that act as a sort of ‘chain mail’- they look almost like leather from a distance), they can be cut through with a strong blow from a sharp object. His scales can usually form over the wound once it’s healed, but a bad enough cut can scar, leaving his skin underneath vulnerable (hence, the scars on his left shoulder and chest).

-He has a hard time getting very close to anyone. He’s friendly to anyone he meets, but it takes a while for him to fully trust anyone. When he was younger, he got into a huge fight with his mother over a big promise his mother broke, which ended in him getting slashed across his shoulder a few times (which unfortunately scarred). He dislikes his mother because of that incident, and only has a couple close friends because of his trust issues.

Character Information



  • Link

    Awesome work dude! :3

    • Link

      Thanks Quills! :>