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Dahlia by Rhixas



17.1 hh
Percheron x Angel

// General Info

Name: Dahlia
Nickname: Lia
Gender: Mare
Age: 114 years
Height: 17.1 HH
Rank: Seraphim

// Personality:
[ Wise | Charming | Mysterious | Regal | Religious | Unforthcoming]

Wise: Dahlia very much so speaks beyond her years. She is extremely intelligent and is usually asked many questions about lore or religious things. Although she is smart she is never seen reading a book or asking others questions. No one knows how she gets her history but its always the truth.
Charming: To others she is considered charming , always knowing what to say or making the one talking to her feel special or relaxing. She has a habit of speaking as if she was someone who was very close to them, she can't stand the site of seeing one begin down or angered by something or someone. She feels it is necessary to treat others how they would treat her. Sometimes to a fault because they are charmed into falling for her.
Mysterious: Most of the time you see Dahlia in the temples or in the valleys keeping to herself or speaking with horses on pilgrimages to the temples. She claims to be speaking with someone when no one is there. This has put her on thin ice multiple times with the others in the angel herd. When she isnt doing her usual thing, she stands around silently, listening to everything around and watching where no one else can see her.
Regal: To the way she walks and talks was very polite and manner wise. She would never use any vulgar words at others and often always have a gentle smile on her face. Whenever she walks she moves her hooves just so to make her tufts dance as she moves.
Religious: Dahlia is extremely influenced by her worship as well as her herd. Religion isn't an option to her, It is a way of life and she serves our her religious duties to the fullest potential. Prayers are said daily, she fasts regularly, and is mostly seen in the temples and sanctuaries. Making sure everything in is order. Even when she doesnt work there.
Unforthcoming: Dahlia tends to keep her mouth shut a little too well. She will hide secrets if they are asked of her. Or even 'forgets' to tell someone information when it is needed immediately. When she is a blabber mouth its about nothing in particular. But push her to tell you something and she will keep it hidden away further and further away the more you pry.

// History:
Foal hood
Dahlia had a peacful childhood. She grew up loving her herd and loving what her parents taught her, weather it be religious acts, or knowledge about the higher beings than herself. She would always listen. Her very lifestyle would revolve around these things and she would basically make a creed with herself at a young age to follow the laws and regulations of her herd. And if they were not followed by someone else, she would rightfully judge them. When she was a filly she would play judge to smaller creatures, like birds and mice, and damn them to all eternity in the bowels of hell.
Teen hood
The mare was thrown into schooling during her teen life. She was taught to act like an angel and be an angel. She hardly paid attention in her schooling though because many things they taught, she already knew. This led her to discontinue her schooling and was deemed a young seraphim. She was pleased with this role, and enjoyed having everyone speak with her about things she never deemed that others would listen to. Her wise words helped her gain many followers. As well as many disbelievers. She has caused many stallions and mares to loose their wings.
In her adult years, she has moved out of the spotlight and into the quiet shadows. She received her corset peircing as well as her tattooed black tear stains on her eyes. No one understands these signs of rebellion and this has made her an outcast of sorts. Grantite she is not a full outcast but she does many wierd things that do not seem right. She has redeemed herself from falling many a times by prayer and singing. Both things she is very good at. She has even started teaching the fillies and colts the relgious ways.

// Physical Info

Eyes: Gray
Build: Draft
Breed: Percheron

Sexuality Info
Orientation: Straight
Preferences: Stallions, but tends to keep to herself.


Mother: Aphrodite (N/a)
Father: Modecai (N/a)
Mate: None
Foals: None


: Wings are only visible in flight
: Preffers to be alone but doesnt mind company
: WILL go off on religious tangients
: Changes out her ribbon to different patterns and colors (preffers the black one though)

Art - LeavingNeverland (DA)
Wing template - Aerophoinix (DA)
History - Rhixas

Character Information
