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Soliur and Etzli by Dragoono

Soliur and Etzli


Soliur and Etzli

General info about both of them

Both Etzli's and Soliur's origins are unkown and reach far back in distant history. They are both knowledge seekers and pure balls of curiosity. They travel the lands to find out as much information as they can about practically everything, which often leads them into tough situations due to their nosey nature. Their memory is incredible, so they remember centuries and centuries off details reaching deep into history.

They are both almost never seen apart and would be considered best friends, even though they annoy each other more often than not. This often brings up brawls where fur and feathers fly, though most often Etzli is the victor. The partners in crime are able to communicate with each other telepathically, which might be the reason they are so inseperable.


AGE: Unknown
GENDER: Female

-Physical Description

The head is a skull-like mask. She has broad, long, large wings, and a large chest to support them.

-Etzli's Personality

Mysterious. Etzli is a defensive individual. If someone approaches her without warning or invitation, she switches to being aggressive quickly. But when she approaches people herself, it shows the full potential of her curiosity. She is the one that will take her time to stop and appreciate the beauty of things.

Etzli is capable of speech, but chooses to speak rarely. Even when she does, she speaks in single words, not forming sentences. The only full sentences she will ever tell is her riddle. Her voice is gentle, calm and sounds very feminine.

-The riddle

It is the essence that makes you dance.
It completes your performance.
You see it and you tremble.
You feel it and you shiver.
You are too fond of it to let go.
In reality you love the fear, for that is the price of your frolic.
What could it be?


AGE: Unknown

-Physical description

Body covered in feathers. His head is a red mask, with darker tribal-like marking on left eye. He has broad wings, well fit for flying, and a strong tail that can be used almost as a whip.

-Soliur's personality

Soliur is a lot more cautious and aggressive than Etzli. While Etzli would hesitate with aggression when approached, Soli would attack immiatelly. He is more fast paced in nature and generally more annoying. Ruffles his feathers a lot.

He is unable to talk at all. He has no vocal cords so the only sounds he tends to make, are hiss like sounds when he breathes rapidly through his nostrils when he's angry.

-The mask markings

The markings around his left eye are tattoos that they requested from an individual of a tribe. In their culture it had portrayed the sun, as it is the first thing that came into the tattooists mind when Etzli told Soliur's name.

Art and characters (c) Dragoono
Soliur's original design (c) the3ss
Etzli's original design (c) oukamiyoukai45

Character Information
