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Dylan Clapton by SnepperStepping

Dylan Clapton


Dylan Clapton
Border Collie

Dylan has been called a "reverse hipster" by close friends.
Now, what does that mean? Simply put, he loves things at the point after they were cool.

He drives a 1990 Volvo (but has a list a mile long of other older cars he'd love to drive as well), he sews, he loves musical artists you've probably never heard of...or at least that you haven't heard of for years, and he's not too fond of the quality of, and dependence on high tech in modern culture.

This colliebutt loves vintage clothes! He must have a different outfit for every day of the year by now. Dylan is quite fond of thrift stores and Etsy; these are the suppliers of his fashion choices when he isn't creating his wardrobe himself (from vintage sewing patterns, of course!).
Some of his favorite types of clothing items include: 1970's patterned polyester sport coats, Atomic Fleck suits, wide double-knit polyester neckties, waistcoats/vests, flared and bell-bottom pants, dress shirts with big collars and french cuffs, 70's pastel tuxedos, ruffled tuxedo shirts, oxford shoes, converse shoes, and long overcoats.

If you were to talk to him, you're likely to get one of two different impressions; 1, He's super personable and fun to talk to. Or 2, He's really quiet and shy, and doesn't seem to know what to say.
This is probably due to the situation in which you met him. As much as he wants to be outgoing and fun, he doesn't do well in larger groups, and kind of fades into the background. If you get him one-on-one, however, there's a much higher chance that you'll see his personable side.

Dylan is openly gay, and proud to say so. Gender-wise, he identifies somewhere between traditional male and female, but favors male pronouns.
In a romantic relationship, he enjoys being submissive. This isn't based solely on pleasure; he has little self-confidence and finds reassurance in the guidance of a protective, dominant male whom he trusts.
He also enjoys dressing in drag occasionally, taking on the persona of a 1950's American housewife.

He strongly believes that folks should be able to be who they are, and not have to worry about being told its "wrong". This does not apply to things that are harmful (physically or emotionally) to others.
He also believes in learning about a subject before passing any real judgement on it. With a little research, one might find something is not at all what they believed it was!

Speaking of learning, Dylan is an avid scholar. He enjoys learning about things he loves, and also discovering new subjects. He will often share his findings with friends.
That being said, he also enjoys acting dumb, as it allows him to escape from his normal habit of over-thinking everything. When playing dumb, he prefers to add a sort of cute charm to how he acts.

So basically, he's me.

Character Information
