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Montana Seriona Gedyircha by OmegaWolf57

Montana Seriona Gedyircha


Montana Seriona Gedyircha
30 as of this posting
Stygimoloch analogue

Montana's profile. Jimira's profile is planned next, but I have no idea when I'll get around to it due to life circumstances. Marked as "moderate," just in case.

More about this character, I suppose. Way back around the start of the year, since both the new Star Wars and Jurassic Park movies were coming out in the same year, I figured that I'd try my hand at a setting involving dinosaurs in space. Sadly, I hadn't unwound from the chaos of the past college semester, which was a real meat grinder, so it ended up with just a few ideas and not much more.

Fast forward to this month. One of the ideas I had was a particularly snarky Stygimoloch. The reason for this was that the species looked like something that would behave in a snarky and inappropriate manner, so I designed them in my head around that. Focusing more on this one character, I ultimately got to this point, with Montana. Oddly enough, she's a lot better behaved than I originally had intended, largely due to the fact that she now interacts with my fursona and there's only so much I can tolerate in a person, although I do confess that sometimes it's hard to tolerate me.

Without going too much into details, Montana is not from Earth, but is familiar with certain aspects of human culture. In particular, she's fond of the Far East, particularly as it pertains to Anime. Also, Jimira, my fursona, would have been the first to respond to an inappropriate come on to hers without outright refusing. A relationship would slowly evolve from this as both would have more in common with each other than initially realized.

Anyways, this is the first time I'm posting one of these things, so my apologies if it appears to be a bit rough. More will come as I get around to it, of Montana, Jimira and the rest of the setting that I have set up in my head that I am trying to get down definitively after the longest period of time. Hopefully, I will not disappoint with it.

Character Information

