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Kith Kyubi by kithkyubi

Kith Kyubi


Kith Kyubi
Generally male, but can shapeshift

Alignment -- Chaotic Good

  • Innate Sin: Wrath
  • Sought Virtue: Patience

Kith is an odd little creature, to say the least. While he will initially come off as scary or intimidating due to his rather eerie aura, at heart, he is a big goofball. He is a kind, caring, and quite inquisitive yokai, isolated to fringes of a cozy little human town nestled in the mountains. He is a complete klutz when it comes to most things outside of martial arts, oddly enough, and is quite happy-go-lucky.

Taking up residence in a run-down shinto shrine near the peak of the mountain, Kith is fascinated and intrigued by humans. While he generally takes on anthro and feral forms of himself, he will often disguise himself as a human and venture into the village to mingle and learn. Due to his species' favor of seclusion from the outside world and general caution, Kith is rather naive of the workings of humans and their society, which only serves to fuel his curiosity. Being the kind-hearted spirit that he is, Kith will almost always help townspeople in need, often times at the risk of getting himself into trouble or exposing himself. Those that have witnessed him or the bizarre happenings that follow suspect that the resident Kami (the one the abandoned shrine honored) has returned, while others refer to him as "the great horned kitsune," painting him as a unpredictable spirit that should have caution exercised around. Whilst, Kith would love to live among human, the tendency of his innate sin, his species's woeful curse, to rub off on those around him prevents him from remaining within the village indefinitely. For example, if he witness an injustice before him that served to even ignite a spark of anger deep within him, that emotion could trigger a gradual chain reaction, causing those of easily swayed minds to become increasingly violent and confrontational.

Due to some unfortunate event, Kith lost a good chunk of his memory. While he remembers how to perform the many of the practices and rituals of his species for mediating his innate sin and seeking enlightenment through the opposite virtue, why, specifically, he does them or they feel right eludes him, as well as much of the knowledge of his own species.

[To be continued...]

Character Information
