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Keanah Winterlan by ArtisticSnowFox

Keanah Winterlan


Keanah Winterlan
5ft 6.5in
152 lb
raven (bird) timber wolf hybrid

Edit: I totally spaced out and forgot the paw on her arm so I did a quick fix ^^"

Thanks to Something-wild-inside for helping me out with this

*side note: all of her piercings DO NOT have to be green, I just used it to make my life easier ^^". I do however, suggest at least keeping her tongue piercing and/or her earrings green

Birthday- February 4th

P.O.B.- Small town near Berlin, Germany

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality- Keanah is a happy-go-lucky, friendly kind of gal, for the most part. Due to spending 9 years in confinement (ages 13 to 22), she still carries child-like qualities (like naivety and a bit of caution towards strangers). Also, she can be stubborn to a point but she doesn't let that get in the way of being understanding and caring to those she builds strong bonds with.

Background- Keanah was born into a fairly well off family that traveled around quite often, due to her father's work. On one hand, Keanah liked being able to see new places and try new things but on the other, there was a strain put on her since she wasn't able to stay a one school long enough to really make friends. As the years went on, her father had developed a gambling addiction while her mother picked up drinking. Finally, at age 13, her family hit rock bottom in debt. So, her parents decided to settle in Canada. Within the next month, a man named Liam J. Taylor came to Keanah's parents with the intent of recruiting their daughter for a 'special' program at the lab, offering them a fair sum of money in return. Desperate and distraught, her parents agreed. Keanah then spent the next 9 years undergoing questionable experiments and general care-taking by the lab (anywhere from DNA splicing to mild molestation and possible rape*). At age 22, Keanah was finally let back into society (under surveillance) as an experiment to see how he 'new' her would coupe with society. By the end of the year, the lab had deemed her suitable for society and forced her to remain at the lab as an employee. Now at 23, Keanah has met her mate Mike Seikatsu and has made the attempt to flee from the lab's iron grip.

[*not sure if I actually want that for her or not yet. If I do, the trauma would've caused her to block it out of her memory (considering she gets raped later on at 23, this previous rape remains up in the air)]

Character Information
