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Dolus (Doluthorem) Frillwing by Nalothisal

Dolus (Doluthorem) Frillwing


Dolus (Doluthorem) Frillwing
156 (468 in Earthen years)
Hellfire Dragon


Almost little to nothing is known how Dolus's egg came into existence, but when he hatched he bore the mark of Sulanthiea, the Goddess of Darkness. Being the first of his kind, he is a bit self conscious, very introverted. But once you get past his awkwardness he really opens up to be a fun loving, very big, cuddle-loving softie of a dragon. This care free attitude would make most people think he is fairly harmless, and for the most part they'd be right.


Simply put, Dolus is a dragon who LOVEs to laugh, (though not necessarily likes to get tickled). He will do just about anything to get a laugh, even play tricks on people. So stealthily is he with his witty mischief that even those who know him aren't too sure he did anything. When he isn't prowling around to cause mischief he's a friendly and cuddly dragon. The unusual thing about him is that he is shy. He doesn't talk much to new people unless he really knows them. He puts the definition of crazy when it comes to pyrotechnics. You need a distraction he'll ask "how long?" As one can guess he loves chemistry, and loves making things that are volatile, flammable and often dangerous.He also has a passion for metal working, using his dragon fire to forge excellent quality steel and swords made from the fires of a dragon making his swords and armor quite strong against all kinds of abuse.

Dolus enjoys the company of nagas and the serpent folk. While this does pose a danger to his health (physical and mental) he finds their presence a comfort to his life regardless of the risks. That being said he only knows two nagas that are powerful enough to pull his fully prepped mind into hypnotic state through ocular hypnosis, his master Nikku, the other, a scary gorgon..


Dolus possesses an affinity to a rare element called hellfire, which on Laveta is an element that is responsible for tectonic plate movement and volcanic eruptions. Dolus himself cannot harness the element to such devastation but he can breathe burning liquid rock that sticks to every surface it touches much like napalm at speeds consistent of a super high pressure fire hose. He can cause minor rockslides and melt rock at a distance of 100m without exhausting his energy. He can go farther but it is very hard on his body.

When it comes to him and open combat, he tends to go insane. This is caused by his adrenalin glands that affect his brain. Once the glands start Dolus goes into a full blood rage. While in this mode there were many incidents of friendly fire when the crazy dragon damaged some very expensive equipment and some casualties. Many Narien generals and commanders found that the best strategy in dealing with Dolus and his blood rage was to point him in the general direction of their enemies and then get the hell out of the way.

What he is, is a warrior trained in the Uashakari Arts, (Uashakari literally translating to "Demon Hunter" in draconian). This makes him not so susceptible to demonic corruption. Upon completion of his tanning he was gifted with Maulden, a purple crystal that is more ancient than the world of Laveta. The crystal allows the user to consume the souls of evil and turn them into extra energy that they can use. It's also useful for them to identify who is lying and who is a demon.

Character Information
