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Michii Squad 95 by Truemac

Michii Squad 95


Michii Squad 95

When Nakashima Industries rolled out their production model Mini-Michiis, they quickly became a global sensation. Tojo got wind of the lovable little creatures, and convinced Manami to purchase some for her performances. Manami finally caved - under the condition that she would be allowed to name two of them (It's not hard to figure out which ones).

Tojo soon found herself laden with six Mini-Michiis. These were custom-designed to suit the pop star's needs. The biggest notable difference from the regular consumer model is their size. While a normal one is only two-and-a-half inches tall, Tojo's michiis measure about three feet from head to toe. This is so they can be seen onstage. They also come preloaded with understanding of the Japanese language, and can even sing background vocals if need be. Despite this, they will still communicate in a series of "Wan Wan's" in the same manner as regular Mini-Michiis. All six michiis have their own distinct personalities. They refer to themselves as "Michii Squad 95". Where they got the idea from is anybody's guess.

Chi-Chi: The self-proclaimed leader of the group. Chi-Chi loves the limelight and adores being the center of attention. She always tries to put her own flair on the dance routines to make herself stick out. When their dance coach isn't around, Chi-Chi can sometimes be found directing the other michiis through some extra practice. Chi-Chi can seem a bit bossy at times, but she's never purposefully mean, and always makes sure to congratulate her fellow Mini-Michiis at the end of a successful performance.

Pashi: Right alongside Chi-Chi is lil' Pashi. She also loves being front and center on the stage, and can often be seen matching Chi-Chi in her performance. Pashi has a very bubbly personality. She always has a bright and cheerful aura around her. Pashi also loves to eat - moreso than the other michiis. As expected, she has a noticeably pudgier frame. Manami was worried this would affect her dance abilities, but Pashi continues to be one of the group's top performers.

Oatmeal: On the opposite end of the spectrum is Oatmeal, who was almost chucked aside as a dud. She took longer than the other michiis to learn the dance routines, and often stumbled or tripped over her feet. Despite this, she always comes through for the performance, and the other michiis have taken a liking to her clumsy, shy behavior.

Benben: When the other michiis are offstage enjoying each other's company, Benben can be found in the music room with the other musicians. Benben takes a liking to watching people play live instruments. She gets starry-eyed every time Manami books a live band to play the backing for Tojo's performance. Even though Benben has difficulty playing actual instruments due to her size, she's built up a collection of miniatures so that she can pretend to play along with a group during their practices.

Kongouu: Kongouu takes a large interest in the historic eras of Japan. She loves reading stories written from ancient times, and learning about the culture and practices back then. Kongouu will sometimes perform plays for the other michiis based on stories she found in books (with either Manami or Momoko narrating).

Waffles: Last but not least is Waffles, the sixth member of the group. Waffles prefers to keep to herself and isn't very active outside of performances. She can usually be found sleeping or idly staring out a nearby window. Onstage, Waffles unlocks an entirely new persona, and dances just as well as her companions. However this level of activity only appears during performances. Tojo is, quite frankly, creeped out by Waffles' behaviour, but the little michii couldn't care less.

Artwork by the lovely magenta magenta

Character Information
