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Romance Valahar by Alicen

Romance Valahar


Romance Valahar

Art done by Malice from PetRPG


He was born in a small fishing town as an orphan with no real home or family. He grew up learning the live of a thief and a pick pocket in order to survive each day after the next. It would always be a battle between him and some other trouble making children. It became worse as he got older stealing more and more thoughtlessly and without the intent on caring what happened to him. It got to the point of stealing directly from the guards did he get caught and thrown into a cell. He didn't care for the law nor did he care who stood in his way. He knew he belonged some where but it wasn't here. It didn't take him long to figure out the routines of the guards that took watch over the cells pacing back and forth to check on the prisoners if much at all. When one got close enough his sticky fingers snatched up the key and made an escape that same night fleeing off into the docks and going aboard a ship.
In the morning the ship had already set sail landing into a new place. It was an interesting place filled with pirates and thieves of all sorts moving around on this island. He was hungry and ended up sneaking off and running into a small group of children a bit older than him seeming to put up an interest in fighting him. It didn't take long for this little show to escalate to the adults watching from near by as he stood even if it was weakly it was proving to himself that he could withstand as much as he could. It impressed a few of the adults but it didn't take much for the other kids to start fights with him afterwards.

With his strange introduction to that island so long ago he remembered the peaceful at home feeling of living there among famous and infamous trouble makers of the world's oceans. He fit in perfectly and ended up him self with a small crew and a nicely sized ship.

{L} Sweets/Eating, Lawless/Rule-less places, Sleeping, Gambling/Bets, Alcohol
{D} Fishing, Rotten things, Stitching/Being Sewn up, Being denied, Rules, Negotiating

{S} Understanding, Confident, Thoughtful, Patient, Considerate
{W} Smug, Cocky, Reckless/Tactless/Brash, Hot Headed, Arrogant, Irritable, Loud

Character Information
