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Sir Toki by CrypticSorrow

Sir Toki


Sir Toki
6.25yrs (dog) // 47yrs (human)
72cm - 28.3" (at shoulder, dog) // 5'10" - 178cm (not counting ears, human)
Dudley Nose Aussie Schnaurzoi

I keep changing the way of doing fur omg, and I feel kinda bad for leaving him halfassed but oh well

Alias: Sir (for strangers and acquaintances), Toki (for friends)
Scars & Coat: Torn left ear. Factored silver brindle, both sides have same placed markings, only on his face varies.
Sexual orientation: dog-sexual (he is a pooch only interested in other poochs, be female, male or misc. he will grow to accept and love you. Not into 'marriage' nor 'romantic relationship' but he can grow attached to certain poochs and is not affraid to show his affection to them.)
Personality: Simple pooch with simple tastes. Quite laid back, mischievous from time to time and also stubborn as a mule but likes to please the ones that have gained his respect and love plus he will fight for their attention. Elegant and quite silent in his strutting and doesn't bark much unless if needed. Social to a certain degree, he is not aggressive towards other dogs but those with cats and small dogs, beware. Toki will fall to his instincts and chase after them. Only when his patrol moment roles kick in he becomes rather serious and watchful of his territory.


Used to live with a family of three, mom, dad and a very small kiddo. Toki was gifted to them by a family friend, his brothers, sisters and himself came from an unplanned litter. As any other pup he was terribly cute at first, all small and full of fluff, but due to the family's lack of knowledge of how to raise and train a dog. He became unruly and troublesome for them. Destroyed their furniture, dug holes in the backyard (destroying the garden) plus stealing the food from the table, jumping over the fence and returning days later (after his need of exercise, exploring and speed lust was quenched).

A bit more than two years had passed since he became part of the family, and in the last few months it had been clear that the family wasn't happy and a tragic situation arose. The married couple got divorced. They were going to move out, each one to different cities, and Arnold (his name at the time) was ment to go with the woman, but she didn't leashed him properly to the back of the pick up and he jumped out from it, scared of the vehicle he was placed in.
His owners weren't that much interested to return and take responsibility for him, and so they thought it would be in their best interest to just abandon him there (the kid didn't even noticed he was gone).

As Toki grew to become an adult pooch, his personality became more mellow. The stress leaving his mind and becoming quite more social and better behaved dog than he was before. During his first year of strayness, he found and befriended a nameless stray saluki, whom he just calls "My friend", and forms with him a pack of two.


Toki frequents his neighborhood, patrolling/guarding it and paying visits to his other best friend Rayo (a pekipoodle) and whenever the later manages to escape from home Toki goes right away to his side, protecting him from other dogs and just hanging out together, up until Rayo feels like returning home or gets caught by his owner.
He is well known and liked around his neighborhood, some even leave something to eat and drink for him when they sight him strutting around the area, in his patrolling posture. Though most of them wonders if Toki will ever find the right home for him (high doubts on it due to his age) so til this days the pooch keeps returning once in a while to the house he used to live in to see if one day, someday his family returns.

Fun facts//

  • His breed name was inspired by an irl mutt adoption campaing in Costa Rica called "Razas Únicas"(sorry, it's in spanish) done by Territorio de Zaguates. In short several dog experts selected bunch of mutts from different shelters to analize their dna and see which breeds of dogs they have in them. With that information they created a unique breed name for each one of them plus also mixing in the name a physical trait of the dog (i.e. fire-tailed, bunny rump, super fluffy, scorched etc.).
  • His life as a stray began when he was around 2.8yrs old.
  • His father was a mutt while his mother was a pure breed Borzoi.
  • To break it down, Toki is a mix of Giant Schnauzer + Australian Shepherd + Borzoi. Those are the most marked breed traits in him.
  • After an incident with a certain neighbor's pooch Toki was neutered when he was 2yrs old.
  • He is a proud father of 7 cute pups (currently no longer pups though).
  • And he still goes at it even though he can no longer produce little ones.
  • The current name he have, was given to him by a girl that lives in the neighborhood.
  • She is also the one that, from time to time, cuts the knots of fur from him when he comes to pay her a visit. This is why he have an uneven fur lenght.
  • Who likes belly rubs? Toki does.
  • Who likes to get his paws touched? Not Toki.
  • Toki was inspired by several dogs I have meet throughout my live, and his creation is some sort of tribute to all them that makes my life more colorful and to those that made my heartache with their passing away.
  • And in fact, Rayo was irl dog of mine.
  • Toki have also dog vision in his human form, meaning that he only can see color ranges of greys, yellows and blues.
  • He distrusts more human males than females due to his owner beating him up whenever he misbehaved to correct him.
  • His hind right paw have one white toenail the rest are black.

Art of him

Character Information

