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Nightshade by DatNerdyGiratina



1,237 lbs.

Character’s full name: Nightshade
Reason or meaning of name: She had gotten this name because she liked eating Nightshade flowers.
Character’s nickname: Auntie Nightshade
Reason for nickname: Many people have considered her as an aunt.
Birth date: November 29th

Physical appearance
Age: 25
How old does he/she appear: She appears to look more as a teenager because of her height.
Weight: 1,237 lbs.
Height: 10’ 06”
Body build: She is different than any normal Giratina which she has a slimmer body.
Shape of face: The shape of her face is mostly round.
Eye color: Light Lavender
Glasses or contacts: Lavender Glasses
Scale Color: Her scale color is a coal black.
Distinguishing marks: Her front pair of legs has lavender swirls.
Predominant features: Her overall design is a lot different from most Giratina.
Hair color: Her hair color is black.
Type of hair: Her hair is long.
Hairstyle: Emo Bob
Voice: As in her normal calming self, her voice sounds sweet and innocent but when she is insane, it will be amix between her sweet sounding voice and a very creepy soft voice.
Overall attractiveness: To most people, she is adorable.
Physical disabilities: None
Usual fashion of dress: She doesn’t really wear many outfits.
Favorite outfit: None
Jewelry or accessories: She is always seen wearing her lavender bandanna.

Good personality traits: Playful,Calm, Kindness
Bad personality traits: Naïve, Short Tempered, Sarcastic
Mood character is most often in: She is mostly in an energetic and playful mood.
Sense of humor: She seems to never take anything seriously.
Character’s greatest joy in life: Her greatest joy in life is marshmallows.
Character’s greatest fear: Her greatest fear is being completely alone from everyone and losing control of herself.
Why? She fears these things because she would hate herself if she ended up hurting one of her loved ones.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? If she hurt or killed anyone that she was closed to when she loses control would throw her life into complete turmoil.
Character is most at ease when: She is most at ease when she is spending time with her family.
Enraged when: She is enraged when people who are obviously always doing wrong think they deserve forgiveness.
Depressed or sad when: She is sad when people ignore her and she is all alone.
Priorities: Her priorities are her family.
Life philosophy: Don’t give too many chances to people that will abuse it.
If granted one wish, it would be: She would probably wish that she never met her ex mate, Yuma.
Why? He had betrayed her trust way too many times.
Character’s soft spot: Her soft spot is helping those who feel unwanted.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? No.
Greatest strength: Her greatest strength is the determination to fight for her friends.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Her greatest weakness is forgiving people way too many times.
Biggest regret: Her biggest regret was forgiving Yuma too many times.
Minor regret: Her minor regret was letting people step all over her.
Biggest accomplishment: Her biggest accomplishment is being able to control her psychotic side better.
Minor accomplishment: Her minor accomplishment was getting rid of the toxic people in her life.
Character’s darkest secret: Her darkest secret is she kinda still cares for those who hurt her.
Does anyone else know? No one knows about this secret.

Hometown: N/A
Type of childhood: She really didn’t have a childhood.
Pets: N/A
First memory: Her first memory was when she escaped from the lab she was created in.
Most important childhood memory: N/A
Childhood hero: N/A
Dream job: N/A
Education: N/A
Religion: N/A
Finances: N/A

Current location: She currently lives in a cave at the Dark Forest.
Currently living with: She lives with her mate, Zephyr.
Pets: N/A
Religion: Arceuism
Occupation: N/A
Finances: N/A

Mother: Akiam (Adopted Mother)
Relationship with her: She is very close to her but she finds her tea stories a bit boring.
Father: Sinji (Adopted Father)
Relationship with him: She is very close to him and she sometimes likes to mess with him.
Siblings: Blaise, Daniel, Opal, Escoli
Relationship with them: She is somewhat close to all her siblings.
Spouse: Zephyr
Relationship with him/her: She is very close to him. The two are inseparable. They can mess with each otherand are okay with it because they both know they are just joking with each other. Hell, they even sometimes show their love by stabbing each other.
Children: Skillz, Tianna, Helios, and Veezara
Relationship with them: She adores them so much and will do anything to protect them.
Other important family members: Jessica(Niece) and Aero (Nephew)

Color: Purple
Least favorite color: Yellow
Music: She loves classical and musical kind of music.
Food: Marshmallow
Literature: She can read but she’ll most likely eat the book.
Form of entertainment: She entertains herself by stabbing or biting people.
Mode of transportation: She’s her own mode of transportation since she can fly.
Most prized possession: Her most prized possession is her skull trophies of all the Pokémon she had killed.

Hobbies: Her hobby is harvesting people’s organs.
Plays a musical instrument? She does not play a musical instrument.
Plays a sport? She does not play a sport.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: She would spend her time by sitting at the entrance of her cave, drinking hot cocoa while watching the pouring rain.
Spending habits: She doesn’t have money to spend, so she just steals stuff.
Smokes: She smokes that kush.
Drinks: She drinks either screwdrivers or vodka.
Other drugs: N/A
What does he/she do too much of? She kills way too many people.
What does he/she do too little of? She doesn’t really like to slow down on life.
Extremely skilled at: She is extremely skilled at collecting souls.
Extremely unskilled at: She is extremely unskilled at taking things seriously.
Nervous tics: She has a horrible habit of being a complete jerk when it is unneeded.
Usual body posture: Her usual body posture is being completely silly.
Mannerisms: She has poor manners.
Peculiarities: She has a habit of nibbling on her own tail at times.

Optimist or pessimist? Optimist
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Logical or emotional? Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and messy
Prefers working or relaxing? Relaxing
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? She is most of the time unsure of herself.

How he/she feels about himself/herself: She feels that there are some areas of herself to fix like her short temper.
One word the character would use to describe self: Crazy
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: She describes herself as a silly naïve Giratina. Although, she has quite the short temper. She finds it hard to forgive people easily now because of past events. She doesn’t take anything serious and will fool around.
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Her best personality trait is her caring personality.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Her worst personality trait is her short temper.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Her best physical trait would her sharp claws.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Her worst physical trait would be that she would have to use psychic in order to hold a weapon.
How does the character think others perceive him/her: She thinks others perceive her as being just an innocent and cute looking Giratina.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: She would like to control her short temper more easily.

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: To her, everyone is just okay and question her if she should trust them.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? She sometimes hides her true opinions and emotions from them.
Person character most hates: She really despise only two people, which are Yuma and Nova.
Best friend(s): She considers all her friends as best friends because she hates to pick favorites.
Love interest(s): Her love interest is Zephyr.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: She takes care of her mate and he takes care of her.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: She feels shy around people she doesn't know.
Person character openly admires: She openly admires her friend, Dialga. (In a friendship kind of way)
Person character secretly admires: She secretly admires her creator, Sebastian. (Like a person to look up to, even though they both seem to fight a lot.)
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: At the beginning, she had no one.
After story starts: As of today, her mate and family are important to her.

Nightshade didn't really have much of a childhood. She had spent most of it in a giant cylinder tube which provided nutrients for her until she reached adulthood. During one day at Midnight, she was close to being a perfected clone but she had managed to wakeup and escaped the lab. She flew off far to a forest.

She didn't have her own home. So,she dug a hole into the side of a mountain to make a cave. She did try to make friends with the other Pokémon but they were all scared of her. With having a short temper, she hated that they feared her and just decided to act like the monster they all saw her as. She attacked anyone on sight with any thought. She even raided towns and cities nearby. Word went around about her evil deeds,humans feared her.
One day, she met a human by the name of Morty. She sensed kindness in his heart and didn't attack him like she would normally do. The two seemed like a perfect match, and she decided to be his Pokémon. They both spent time together. Sadly, nothing good lasts forever.She never saw him again but she wasn’t mad and believed some day they will see each other again. She had other trainers but they have mostly abandoned her.

She met a Giratina named Shuji. The two seemed alike and she fell in love with him. She had wanted to be his mate but he had chosen someone else. She was hurt by this but she didn't show it. She just couldn't be friends with him anymore and decided to forget about him.She soon met another Giratina named Yuma. She felt happy again and the two did eventually become mates. They even had a daughter named Tianna. Alas,Nightshade’s happiness didn’t last long. Her son and niece had told her that Yuma had been flirting with others. The two had split apart. She tried to find love but they did not end well because she was troubled from her past but she did eventually meet the right one.

As of now, Nightshade has been having a great life with her mate, Zephyr. The two had a son named Veezara. She has a family now. Nightshade met up with her creator again and she really likes to mess with him. She has better control of her psychotic side.

Description: Nightshade has the same body shape like any other Giratina, though she is a bit slimmer. Her scales are a coal black and she has a plum colored under belly. Her armor plating and claws are dark purple. Her wings are light purple with black spikes. Her front pair of feet has light purple swirled markings. Most of the time, her eyes are closed and wears light purple glasses. Her eye color is light purple. She also always wears her light purple bandanna.

Aura Sphere -- The user lets loose a blast of aura power from deep within its body at the target. This attack never misses.
Shadow Force -- The user disappears, and then strikes the target on the next turn. This move hits even if the target protects itself.
Dragon Claw -- The user slashes the target with huge, sharp claws.
Psychic -- The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force.This may also lower the target's Sp. Def. stat.

--Also happens to have a weakness for marshmallows since she loves to eat them and would probably do whatever to get them.

Interesting things about Nightshade:
*Giratina wise, she is a runt. Most Giratina are 14'09", she is 10' 06"
*She loves to eat marshmallows and Deadly Nightshade flowers
*She is immune to poison due to eating Deadly Nightshade.

Character Information
