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Coconut Timothy Triden V by Pepsi

Coconut Timothy Triden V


Coconut Timothy Triden V
Male Identified (sexless)

My first character profile, eehee!

Meet Coconut Timothy Triden the fifth, or "Timmy." Certainly one of my more colorful character names, but that's what I get for letting someone else name him.

Timmy is one of my five demons of his kind. The demons were originally called "underwear demons:" devious underwear thieves in the night. However, they since then grew from just stealing underwear to causing other minor inconveniences from tangling your cords to misplacing something that you know for sure was "just there!" They materialize from the shadows and are gone as quickly as they appear. I'm still unsure whether I'm going to keep the demons doing things like that or just giving them their own world and story, but for now, that is one version of canon.

Timmy himself is best friends with the "main character" demon, Här, making Timmy a supporting character. Constrasting Här's short, fat shape and bad attitude, Timmy is tall, lean and muscular, cool-colored, and cool-headed. He is, however, somewhat of a wimp, despite being the second most able-bodied demon. He has an irrational fear of blood and also fears the self-proclaimed demon 'king,' Ansgar (brother of Här). He is also very easily spooked in general.

Timmy, like the other demons, was pieced back together (by the tiny supergenius demon, Ginta) with various parts after a disaster left him and the other demons' original bodies in pieces. Some of their old body parts had to be disposed of since they were no longer usable, but most of their nerves were still in tact, enabling Ginta to attach other usable body parts to them.

The scar on Timmy's chest (that is also on the chests of all the other demons) is evidence of being brought back to life through a certain procedure. (They are all undead) The demons (with the exception of Ginta, who preformed the surgeries) have no recollection of any events prior to their surgeries.

Coconut Timothy is notable for many of his animal parts (such as his wings and bird legs), but his zipper mouth is probably his most notable feature. The zipper was installed by Ginta later on, as after a while the inside of Timmy's head began to rot. The stench of decay became so inbearable that Ginta was forced to give him a zipper and urge him to keep it zipped. This situation is similar to that of the demon, Reynard's; However, Reynard's head began to rot before Ginta had the resources to install a zipper, so he was forced to sew his mouth shut instead.

Timmy's enemies include Ansgar (the general antagonist, haha) and Gus the talking carrion crow (Reynard's 'interpretor'). Gus and Timmy just bicker like siblings however.

There's a lot of mystery behind Coconut Timothy and the others, but hopefully you'll find out all about them soon! :D

Coconut Timothy Triden V (c) Me

Character Information



  • Link

    i *love* this characters design, hes so cool! CHICKEN BUTT. AAAH hes awesome.

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      Ehehehe, thanks! ;v; <33