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Harbinger by Harbinger



5' 8" (173cm)
Canis lupus


Two white stripes on the ears leaving grey tips, inside of ears white.
The two neck markings are made up of 3 parts, a shallow Z kinda shape on either side leading
to a small V shape in the middle.
3 cyan bars around the bottom jaw, white shadow beneath the eyes.
3 shallow V shapes just below the shoulders, the middle ones being white whilst the others
are cyan. There are two complete white bands around the forearms wrists, the index and
middle finger and thumb are also white on both hands.
The toes are white and there's a single band above the ankles. The main fur colour is dark
grey whilst the white underside stars from the bottom jaw, down the chest, down the under
carriage :P, to the tip of the tail. The tail has a white underneath with 3 white points which
slope upwards away from the body plus a white tip.

Favorite games: TitanFall, Halo, Metroid, Monster Hunter, Half Life, Dead Space, Pokemon, Last of Us, Mass effect (up untill the dreadful ME3 ending)
Favorite music: Deadmau5, Kavinsky, Daft Punk, Gorrilaz, Miike Snow, Gotye, The XX.
Favorite movies: Aliens, Predator, District 9, Pacific Rim, Tron: Legacy, Hellboy, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Moon, Looper, John Carpenters The Thing

Orientation: Straight
Likes: Bugs, predatory mammals, fish amphibians, reptiles, basically everything to do with nature and the natural world, except monkies, primates can fuck off. Wintery landscapes and weather, also chilling out in the night air. Gaming and photography when my camera's not being a dick.
Dislikes: Cities, people being dicks to the environment, the chinese (is there any living thing they wont butcher for dick medicine?), chimpanzee's, flying via man made aircraft is my only fear, crowds, extreme heat.
Hobbies: Keeping and breeding a variety of exotic pets, photography of said pets and wildlife, and gaming.
Personal quote: "I wish it was alive so i could kill it..." -Harbinger in regards to a faulty xbox controller.
Theme song:
Birthdate: 7 / 11 / 92 (day, month, year for you yanks)
Star sign: Scorpio
Favorite food: KFC, chocolate, ben and jerries ice cream
Favorite drink: Ice cold fruit juice, and not ice cold Tea, milkshakes are also pretty rad.
Favorite location: Forests, general untouched wildernesses.
Favorite weather: Thunder and lighting.
Favorite color: Dark greys.
Enemies: Minecraft skeletons, The Covenant, "MLG" gamers, PETA and APA

Ref sheet done by the awesome Tennashoe over on FA (

Character Information
