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Ildrix Goldmantle by Aubrin

Ildrix Goldmantle


Ildrix Goldmantle
240 lb

The K'shr are a species of four armed reptilian humanoids that I've been tinkering with conceptually since high school. Their culture is based on a few reasonably simple ideals, namely the virtues of sex, alcohol, and a good scrap. A warrior culture, they have a strong military in their home star system, and any one of them met outside that area of space is most likely a freelance mercenary or a bounty hunter.

As far as any cannon I have for them goes, they're a species in a space faring, sci-fi setting that I oughta flesh out at some point. As it stands now though, by virtue of the RPGs that take place around here, I've placed them in the Star Wars galaxy. Crowded as it is, who'd notice one more brightly colored alien species?

Anyway, as for Ildrix here;

Force Sensitive from an early age, he was also the son of one of the richest private citizens on the planet. He was kept out of his compulsory military tour until he snuck away and enlisted without his family's knowledge, but they pulled influence to make sure he never got anything more exciting than an uneventful local system patrol.

After this, he was threatened with a financial cutoff if he did it again. Unfortunately, his taste for adventure and wanderlust were nowhere near satisfied. As a result, he just started investing his monthly stipend, growing his own series of businesses. As soon as he could afford to bail in style (He's very down to earth considering his station, but he's still pretty spoiled), he did just that.

Ildrix spent the next several years bouncing around the galaxy, learning the smuggler's trade, plying himself as a mercenary here and there, and developing his 'other' talents as he went along. Jedi were incredibly scarce in the galaxy around this time (It's complicated and never really fell in the canonical timeline, but this was Old Republic Era), those that were, or force users that were blatant about it were hunted down by Revan's Sith army. He was tenth level before he picked up his first real Jedi training from a couple of refugees. He plays fast and loose with the Jedi tenants, not holding himself to their high ideals, but has such distaste for the Sith and all they've wrought, that he keeps a healthy distance from the dark side. He's very much a grey Jedi, but the refugees are stuck with him, because a) He can actually get by in the galaxy without having to solve problems via blatant force use or even more blatant lightsaberings; and b) He's the guy with the ship.. and the guns.. and the money..

Conversely, he can be pretty cocky, is prone to thinking with his dick, can be stubborn and self-centered. He's handy with a gun, but if it came to a fist fight or any serious melee battling, he's at a serious disadvantage. He's actually managed to get dangerous with his lightsaber, but it is by no means his first choice in a sticky situation. He's in no way the bright and shiny Jedi the council would want on its recruitment poster.

Character Information
