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Wilk Fiadh by WilkFiadh

Wilk Fiadh


Wilk Fiadh
5' 4"
Mostly deer, partly dog

My sona. Normally he doesn't have much of a backstory, Like food, vintage fashion, current men's fashion, melon flavored things uh...there's a lot of stuff.
Kind of a grump but he can be quite friendly once you get past that.
At least one antler is always broken; he's not the most graceful of people and tends to get them smashed or caught or banged up regularly. Near the shed they're usually pretty rough looking.
Last name pronounced "Fee-odd" (yes, I realize that's a bastardized pronunciation, but I've been using it for too long to change now).

Now. For the other part. A quick explanation. Wilk is my sona, but he's also part of an ongoing story series that takes place in an alternate universe from where my "sona" Wilk is located. It's a superhero story and he goes by the alias "Buck" there. So, the Wilk/Buck in the Watchdog series is not the same as normal "me" Wilk. The reasoning here is so I can easily say that something Buck does is not necessarily reflected onto me, if it comes down to it and vice versa. So, onto the quick bio part for Buck. Excuse my shitty writing, this is actually more for me than anything.

Wilk grew up in a relatively normal household all things considered. His parents were perhaps a bit quirky, and they indulged him a bit too much but that was really expected with an only child. Since he was little he was enamored with any fiction he could get his hands on. As he grew he ravenously consumed every bit of pop culture he could get his paws on; from high fantasy novels to gritty noir medium in particular caught his eye. Graphic novels, comic books, sequential art...whatever you wanted to call it. He started collecting them in elementary school, and by the time he graduated high school the spare bedroom of his home had been converted to storage and was filled with sorted boxes of comic books and graphic novels of every genre imaginable. Mostly, though, they were about superheros.
Something about them drew him. The vibrant characters, the power struggle between good and evil...and even the moral ambiguity that was sometimes involved was absolutely entrancing. So he read, and memorized, and researched, and learned; until he knew more about these fantasy worlds than he did his own surroundings.

Aside from the comic book obsession he learned early on that he had an aptitude for dealing with computers and...any other miscellaneous technology, really. As annoying as it was, Wilk took a certain amount of pride in being the first person people asked to solved their electronic related problems. Even if the solution was as stupidly simple as "plug it in". So, naturally, once high school was over, he started taking as many courses as he could in as many areas of computer science as he could manage. After all, it wasn't like he had anything better to do. A life of pop culture consumption had left him relatively friendless; submerging himself in work was the best way to keep his mind off of this sad truth.
He earned his bachelor's in under three years. 18+ hours of course work had been stressful, but worth it in the long run.

And then, with school done with for the most part (he still took classes for various certificates and anything that interested him), Wilk found a sudden...lack, of anything to do. He caught up on all his comic books, and picked up a few freelance jobs here and there...even started his own projects and invented new (but mostly useless) devices. It was during this time that he stumbled upon the league of the watchdog and was invited into it's ranks.

(Thus far the details of how he is accepted into the league, and his precise role beyond "organizer, inventor, and secretary" are foggy. I'll update this as those get filled in.)

Character Information
