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Dimitri Von Kasparov by gingerpepp

Dimitri Von Kasparov


Dimitri Von Kasparov
120 pounds
Kit Fox/Gyrfalcon Hybrid

Dimitri, aka "Russian Asshole" aka "Dickwad" aka "Douchebag" aka "Assface" aka "Whorebag" aka "ok do you get the idea yet?" Dimitri is the most difficult of my voices for me to describe because he is the one that is the least like me. I used to think Anima was the voice of hatred and cruelty, but as I've come to find that is not true. If you want true evil, you've come to the right character.

Dimitri is the one voice of any of my characters in creation that has no soul. I always thought of my voices that Anima was "evil" and was the "cruelty" and the voice you would be referring to when thinking of someone evil. And for a while he was, until I came to understand him. Even in Anima's darkest deeds he usually has a purpose, and even though he is shrouded in darkness there is a good in his soul, and he does have care for others.

Therefore, the difference being Dimitri does not. Dimitri has no soul. Dimitri does not care about anyone, nor will he ever. Dimitri is, for all intents and purposes, a sociopath. Dimitri is cruel, vain, lustful, greedy, hateful, enjoys seeing others suffer, enjoys making others suffer, loves inflicting pain upon others - emotional, physical and sexual, he is dirty, filthy, a drug addict, a user and abuser. He cares for no one, he is incapable of love, of empathy, of even liking someone. He is incapable of feeling any feelings aside from the pleasure he receives from drugs, sex, and hurting others. So all of Dimitri's pleasure is strictly selfish, he could never feel happy for someone other than himself.

I never truly understood Dimitri. At first he was just made as a fun, sexy, prettyboi character that could interact with other sexy prettybois and have sexy funtimes with no ties and no regrets. I basically made him up to be like Ophelia (formerly known as Kaz)'s Hush (who was formerly known as Kiley). I was inspired by that "I don't give a fuck" attitude. And the two characters I had made up before Dimitri to play that role had turned into something else (Devon and Troi). So I gave it another go with Dimitri. Dimitri kept that role, but made it something more. He made it something much more repulsive and disgusting than Ophelia's characters were, than any other's characters were that fell into that ring. Dimitri separated into his own class, a class that no one would want to be in.

Dimitri began to show his true colors when it came to his relationship with Troi. They had a mutual benefiting relationship, friends with benefits, Troi got drugs and sex, Dimitri got sex and power. Troi tried to leave him when he got a boyfriend, Dimitri wouldn't let him leave. He kidnapped him, bound him, beat him, raped him. Continued this for so long Troi left his boyfriend, felt so dirty and beaten and broken he felt he didn't deserve him. Dimitri was in glee about this, and once his damage had been done had no more use for Troi and let him go. He'd used up what he wanted from Troi. But vengeance would come to him, when Anima, finding Troi beaten and broken, who usually didn't intervene in such things with other voices (besides Devon, who he protects), found Troi, and beat Dimitri to near death. Dimitri never came near Troi again, but his resentment has grown, and should Troi ever be far away from Anima and others at any given time, he would not hesitate to kill him.

But whatever to Dimitri, he simply moved on. Dimitri had multiple sexual partners, pimped himself out to the biggest dealer he could get drugs from. Fucked anyone to get drugs and money. Had no real friends but doesn't know what a real friend is anyway, since he's incapable of forming bonds. He met Laura/Crow's Mesquite shortly after Troi, Mesquite is like him, a whore for drugs, doesn't care about anyone other than herself. They became a thing, but not a thing. They have sex, they share drugs, they enjoy each other's company in that sense but are in no way a couple. Dimitri still does what he does, she does what she does. Dimitri does feel some defensiveness over her, he supplies her with drugs so she should be his to fuck and own, at least, that's how he sees it. So far she's pretty much lived up to this, at least mostly to his knowledge. Dimitri isn't usually there, he's drugged up so often he doesn't know what's going on around him half the time. He knows Mesquite fucks other Johns to get drugs and money, and that doesn't bother him much, he's not to the point that he's that possessive over her yet, but he's getting there. And should she cross him…. he wouldn't hesitate to hurt her.

Dimitri is the type of guy that will woo you in with sweetness, candy and flowers, get you to love him, convince you he's the best guy in the world - then turn on you, break your heart, beat you and ruin you. Break you the point that you would wish you were dead. And he's broken many a heart to the point the other ended their lives. He has that power.

So Dimitri's role in my life? I suppose we all have this darkness in us, and I know it is there in me, even if so minuscule and hidden I don't know it's there. Possessiveness, finding pleasure in hurting someone that hurt me. The other parts of him I don't know, they haven't shown themselves in me yet.

But Dimitri laid in wait to show his true self to me. He waited for years, patient, in the shadows, and then when the time was right there he was, and there he was in full power to grab me and keep me company and gleefully pull me into his misery. It shows how evil lurks, waiting for you in darkness, for that right moment to strike. I won't go into much of it here, for it is very personal, and if you wish to know just ask me. But I had a problem with some drugs for some time, and Dimitri and I lived parallel lives for that time span.

I was finally able to pull out, but I fell back in again from time to time. Recently Anima showed himself again to Dimitri, again, beat him to near death for protection over me. Dimitri is wary to come near me, but unlike Troi, Dimitri has a power over me that not even Anima can deter. Dimitri will always be there, no matter how well I am, no matter how great I am doing, he will always be there, in my mind, creeping in the back of my brain, laughing at me, taunting me, trying to pull me back into his ways. And sometimes I want to slip back into his life. I am not an apathetic person at all. But sometimes I wish I was. Sometimes I wish I could be numb and and feel nothing like Dimitri.

So Dimitri. He is someone I hate, I despise, and wish had never existed. I fucking wish he was dead and gone. But he never, ever, will be. He will always be that reminder of what my life used to be. And to be honest, I need that. I need that reminder to keep myself on the correct path I am on now. But I will always feel sick when I think of him.

As much as I want to say Dimitri will change, find love, profess he loves Mesquite and will be romantic towards her… he never will. Moreso one day he will hurt her, abuse her, push his limits with her and see how far he can go before she recoils. And then he will keep her with force until that fails. He will never feel love. He will never be happy. But he's damn beautiful.

Name: Dimitri Von Kasparov
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 36
Birthdate: 04/11/1978
Zodiac Sign: Aries

Home Planet: Earth
Ethnicity: Russian
Born in: Novokuznetsk, Siberia
Resides: Los Angeles, CA

Species: Kit Fox/Gyrfalcon Hybrid
Regarding Dimitri's Design: Being part Kit Fox and part Gyrfalcon Dimitri does retain recessive wings. They are not "normal" wings on his back, but they are wings attached to his arms. Usually Dimitri keeps them retracted, and they appear as "fluff" on his shoulders to wrists. However, he can extend these "fluffs" to full wings with a span of 15 feet that can maintain flight. So he does have the ability to fly. He doesn't use it often, because it takes too much effort. He'd rather call a cab.

Featured in Dimitri's reference collage is an image of a more "feral" Dimitri with his wings fully expanded. I think it gives a good example of what he can morph himself into by simply modifying his wing span. (image on viewer's bottom left)

Also, Dimitri's drugs of choice are heroin and cocaine, so he is usually always intoxicated when you see him.

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 120 lbs - skinny and lanky due to being very malnourished and drugged
Eye Color: Yellow, superior vision from the falcon in him
Fur Color:
Main fur color is white, has Violet or Velvet Purple markings along shoulders, back, back of thighs, inner tail, and forming feathers of the same color along shoulders to wings should feathers be extended, feathers ending in a black tip. Same shade of purple on tips of ears, above eyes to eyebrow, and along body from neck to sides to thighs framing underbelly. Some spots of the same purple around area of purple fade off around shoulders, ears, and thighs. Very fluffy purple ear tips that fade into black. Very fluffy inner ears that are yellow.
Markings and Underbelly listed above in fur colors. Black marking from nose to cheek where typical kit fox marking would be located.
Inner ears are yellow.
Nose Color: Black
Hands/Feet: Hands and feet are yellow and black striped similar to the striping on hawk feet. Usual gyrfalcons would not have the yellow, but the color is added in from the kit fox aspect of his design. Pawpads are dark yellowish orange.
Tail: Falcon tail, black outer feathers, purple inner feathers
Hair Style: Parted from the side, shaved underneath, sort of a mohawk.
Hair Length: To middle of back.
Hair Color (Natural): Black
Hair Color (Current): Black with purple streaks.
Hair Color (Options): All black, black with purple streaks, black with red streaks, all purple, all red
Typical Clothing: Very gothed out in dresses, skirts, bondage style outfits, tights, striped stockings, fishnets, combat boots, thigh high high heels. More formal dresses with heels and slits in dresses to show off legs. Recently has been dressing more metal - wearing tight leather pants, ripped off vests with a fishnet shirt underneath. Dress him flashy and sexy when he's going out to show off, or metal and angry when he's in the mood to kick ass.
Piercings:A lot! They vary all over the place, bridge, labret, monroe, double lips, eyebrow, bellybutton, nipples, tons in his ears, prince alberts, he loves body modification and will pierce just about anywhere with any kind of body jewelry. Sometimes wears flashier dangly piercings or gauges.
Tattoos: Black widow spider hourglass in red down back, double red stars on each hip, red skull with black crossbones on left chest over heart
Scars: Plenty from sexual fun - whip scars on body, scratches, knife wounds, burns. Some self inflicted for fun. Track marks everywhere.

Mother and Father: Estranged, in NYC
Siblings: Estranged from 2 sisters and a brother, he's the oldest
Significant Other: None, but Mesquite is as close as it gets
Past Partners: Too many to list
Best Friends: None

Education: Dropped out of high school
Drug User?: Addict through and through. Every drug there is, though Heroin and Cocaine are his favorites. Meth, E, and Crack are good too.
Smoker?: Yeah
Religion: Atheist
Car: Purple ferrari
Hobbies: Drugs, sex, ruining lives
General Temperment: Asshole

Color: Red
Food: Red Meat, Chocolate
Drink: Lots of alcohol of any kind
Band: Pantera, Megadeth, Slayer, The Red Chord, Iron Maiden, Ozzy

History: I am already almost out of space, ask if curious!

Themesong(s): "The Package" by A Perfect Circle; "The Hollow" by A Perfect Circle; "Drunk with Power" by Puscifer; "Rosetta Stoned" by Tool; "Drag the Waters" by Pantera; "Superman" by Eminem; "Shake That" by Eminem; "Drug Ballad" by Eminem; "Under the Influence" by Eminem; "Purple Pills"by Eminem

Character Information



  • Link

    my ex in a nutshell holy shit.o_o

    • Link

      Mine too, in a way. It's kinda creepy o___o

  • Link

    aaaaaaand me as far as the addict thing and wanting to hurt people who hurt me. x.x Ahhh I love/hate him. <3 He is filthy gorgeous. x3

    • Link

      I know right? It's easy to understand those dark things in us, so you love and hate the bastard at the same time. And dammit why's he gotta be so pretty! >:|

  • Link

    you're right about him being damn pretty. but damn. he reminds me of michael alig--no shits given, no feelings, just me me me me me. I feel like all glamfur characters flirted with this kind of personality but few went all the way like Dimitri (from what I've seen of glam characters, I'm too young to remember the 1st generation, lol). Like...I tried the "mean pretty boy" thing with Bailey but it just doesn't become him and I think I like him better as a fragile hopeless romantic anyway.