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Myosis by RUDE



aprox 5.6
flawwed matterform/waveform hybrid

Myosis is the byproduct of Nephae undergoing fusion with a Dolphe without proper training. As a result he is unable to utilize or fully control his ability to traverse between the material and immaterial plains. When upset or stressed beyond his means he becomes a permeable membrane into the physical realm for large predatory waveforms living in the immaterial plane.the resulting energy of being a living wormhole converts his body into Myosis, and without th ability to properly harness the energy being released through him he becomes an engine of pure destruction. radiating intense psychokinetic and high frequency energy, burning and crushing his surroundings in erratic pulses, while screaming in blinding pain. hardly visible to anyone around him are the feeding tendrils emanating from his core, connected on the other side to whatever predator is forcing and keeping him open. these feelers will reach into a living body and pull their very soul through to the other side to be promptly eaten. this will only com to an end when the predator has stopped feeding or run out of food, or Nae has managed to regain control of his body and mind

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    Could he still be trained?

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      Kind of? There is a clan of ceranids on his homeworld that have been preparing themselves to become what he wound up as. But their training is more of a religious doctrine put on them by the Jehwai. He gets hints as to what he should so from the giant sentient jellyfish/zepplen creatures they live in though. He ends up traveling to a Planet the Jehwai experimented on where all the life had been sent to the other side and stays there until he gets control over it. He molts off the myosis exoskeleton and becomes this guy

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        Do you have pictures of a Dolphe and of a Nephae? which are apparently two base species which went into making this one. And is Jehwai is a species or an ideological order, but they seem to also be scientists? And what is a ceranid?

        In the other image's description: " the first of the Ceraphen, A race of being designed by the Jehwai to safely traverse between the two wavelengths of their universe" and here you say: "There is a clan of ceranids on his homeworld that have been preparing themselves to become what he wound up as." So I assume you mean what Myosis would up as, but with control over the abilities?

        IS Myosis the personal name of this guy as he is here, or is that the type of entity he is? Whch might be the only one in his "species." I'm also detecting that this guy might be two entities in a kind of unstable symbiosis.

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          hahaha shit I never answered this did I
          I havent fully decided on what the Dolphe look like though it would be kind of ghostly, glowwing and bear semblances of protozoa and deep sea plankton. and Nephae is my chr Nae, who is a Ceranid. The Jehwai were both? they valued knowlage over absolutely everything and devoted their lives fully to unlocking everything they could about the universe.They mor than likely know the truth behind everything everyone else finds to be a mystery and in a lot of cases are suspect of being it's origin. All anyone has ever found of them are massive obelisks, temples and various Eugenids (artificial races) they have seeded on different planets, typical precursor trash I know lol

          Myosis is the name of this guy, and he is the only one, as he is entirely a mistake brought on by Nae being completely unready to become a new entity. and having no control over his abilities as a gateway. An actual Ceraphen has complete will over being a gateway and can control the energy flowwing from the other side even from its infant stages.

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            "they valued knowlage over absolutely everything and devoted their lives fully to unlocking everything they could about the universe."

            I dig it