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Alexandra "Sandra" Emberstone by AliceGrimaude

Alexandra "Sandra" Emberstone


Alexandra "Sandra" Emberstone
21 -> Beyond
1m 72cm
68 kilogrammes

A human woman with short red hair and wondrously deep scarlet eyes, she is considered to be a bit of a fluke among her people.
She also regularly dresses in red clothes.

She was also born with an innate ability to predict future events through her dreams, which could explain her recognizing people she had never seen before; however, this gift is not perfect and she could still come across many unexpected events.

She lived a relatively solitary life in her mother village in the Eastern Kingdom of Beast Men, and was raised by her parents to be an acolyte of the Scarlet Wings; worshipers of the Firebird, prophesied to one day bring forth a spawn to unite all the peoples of the world.

Having been born in the summer's first morning sun, the elders of the organization regarded her as a living representation of the fires of the world, and a powerful adversary to the monsters that threatened society.

She became highly educated in the organization's religious scriptures around the age of sixteen, and from that moment on was trained heavily in the arts of close combat and control over fire magic.

By the time she reached her twentieth year, an unexpected raid by Gnolls destroyed half her village, taking her parents with her.

A year later, the next raid took her entire village with it, leaving her to hide in the debris rather than risk her hide in the onslaught.
A day after that, she was discovered by the travelers Matthew and Frederik; while Matthew was hesitant to accept her, she revealed to him that she knew he was coming for her and he had been in her dreams for quite a few years already.

From there on, they moved together.
For the coming days and months, she proved herself not only to be an efficient fighter but also a worthy companion to them.
After defeating the dragon Hector in Frederik's quest for revenge, Matthew offered to marry Alex.

This would give her a place in society again, as well as a chance for life that would not be granted by the many people who feared the art of sorcery.

The two came to truly fall in love as Frederik ruled as a lonely king, but unfortunately their safety wouldn't last forever.

Many years and trials and tribulations later, Alex and Matthew would find themselves the founders to an empire, a place they would rule for hundreds of years and where they would ultimately meet their final end.

Artwork ©cybercat cybercat 2014

Character Information
