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Darkling (flippersona) by Dark-Little-Darkling

Darkling (flippersona)


Darkling (flippersona)
Hybrid: half bottlenose and half northern right whale dolphin

It makes no sense to me to call her a fursona... SO I SHALL CALL HER A FLIPPERSONA slapped

Although I've always known that I'm not nearly as much like a dolphin as I am UNLIKE a dolphin (I could make a long list of reasons but I won't now), I still always wanted Darkling to be a dolphin, so now she is. Hopefully I can make myself keep her this way for a long time. :/

She's supposed to be a hybrid, half bottlenose dolphin and half northern right whale dolphin. Hopefully she at least sort of looks like she is. :P

Bright green eyes partly 'cause it's a nice color, especially contrasted to her other colors, but mainly because I easily get jealous of a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons... hopefully-glasses-like markings since I wear real ones in real life, other markings just supposed to be dolphin-like ones to make her look more interesting... etc... I'll write more about her in the future... and I might make some slight changes to her design in the future, maybe, or maybe not, I actually kind of like the way her design is now, though if it's possible to make her look more like the hybrid she's supposed to be, then I will. Though since I've never read about or seen photos of a real hybrid of these two dolphin species, it might be kind of hard. Though I do think it's quite possible. But anyway. \o/

Character Information
