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pokemon trainer card by kozzy

pokemon trainer card


pokemon trainer card
5' 6"
118 lb

i suppose this belongs in the character area, seeing as they all are technically characters on a character sheet.

i suppose i'll give some background on the pokemon. they will be listed in order of when she obtained them

chibchib: he has been with alfie the longest, her very first pokemon in fact, before she even became a trainer. they are extremely close and are attatched to eachother's sides at all time. he is often out of his pokeball despite his large size, this is a problem as he has a lot of energy and expresses himself boisterously. he is very protective of alfie and will often tower over her in a protective way.

skaphera: she was saved from an underground fighting arena as a shinx at which pokemon were pitted against eachother with out trainers and fought to the death. skaphera was adopted by alfie when she first set off to become a pokemon trainer and they butted heads almost instantly, both of them having stubborn and strong personalities. but, eventually, alfie nursed skaphera back into a healthy state of mind and they became rather close. though skaphera has recovered from her brutal past, she still finds force to be the answer to everything and is very abrasive. she takes everything very seriously and often has a very business view on things.

bubba: received from a lab, bubba is alfie's third pokemon. he acts much older than he is, acting like the father to the team of pokemon. he often tries to keep an eye on everyone when they are out and about and gets rather agitated when one leaves the group. he is highly protective of everyone one the team and gets more agressive with this protection the younger the pokemon is. he see's alfie as an absolute leader and follows her word as if it were law. when everyone is together, bubba is very sweet and easy going, often taking naps in the sun with another team member by his side.

valeri: caught as a young espurr, valeri is the calmest pokemon alfie owns. since she was young, valeri has been eerily quiet but elegantly obedient to alfie. she rarely shows much emotion, save for a small smile here and there, and often seems to be in deep thought. she prides herself on being mentally strong and often will be seen practicing her psychic moves alone or with bubba.

vincent: he came to alfie through a trade with a friend. alfie's friend had caught him in the wild and never really used him on her team. alfie was ecstatic to recieve a houndour as her neighbor had one back at home and she had always admired it. as a result, vincent is the most preened pokemon on alfie's team, in contrast to his sloppy nature. vincent trusts alfie and obeys her to a moderat extent, though he can be very emotional and spunky, resulting in him running off as a loose cannon every now and then. he is very confident in himself, and tends to be rebellious towards the rest of the team. although, he does have a big crush on valeri and often attempts to protects her despite her being much stronger than he is.

evan: the baby of the team. evan is bright, energetic, and full of curiosity. his energy often clashes with bubba's intense protectiveness over him and, as a result, he get restless under bubba's overbearing eye and will often try to break away for some freedom. he is also a bit of a late bloomer, most eevees his age have already evolved into their destined forms, but evan has trouble deciding what it is he wants to be. alfie is very kind to him in his indecisiveness and practices a patient and supportive care for him which results in him seeing her in a very bright light.

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Character Information
