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Megan Lily Riviera by Meleni

Megan Lily Riviera


Megan Lily Riviera

Self disciplined and serious, Megan is also quiet and rather closed off emotionally from other people, especially those she does not know. She has two voices, a loud one and a voice that runs in her head like an inner monologue. Her inner voice is the one that does the most talking.

Megan finds it difficult to trust many people and many of the people she spends time with stay acquaintances as she keeps her friendship group very small. She is extremely sharp and tuned in to her surroundings and the people she accompanies, meaning that it can be difficult to get the best of as her paranoia keeps her alert all of the time. Megan is completely calm on the outside and appears completely unshakable. Any insults or damaging words to her personal or professional life seems to completely wash over her and she will rarely physically or verbally react to them. The damage done to her will always remain hidden where no one else will know her suffering.

Attempts to get any type of reaction out of her will only work if she is put in danger of being hurt. Even then she will use the minimal of contact before escaping to somewhere safer, as she does not favour violence unless she is forced into it. Unfortunately the area she lives in often brings up the need to stay alert most of the time.

If Megan is not in control of a situation or something happens out of the norm, then her inner voice tends to shout at her until she resolves the situation. She also judges every task given to her with seriousness, and every person she comes up against as though they are capable of hurting her. This is a result from living in the city of Raaben, where her kind are technically forbidden. Because of this, winning Megan's trust is a difficult task. However, she will always put herself out for anyone and protect people when they need it, so her intentions are always honourable.

She is often a paranoid person. However, she is able to appear completely calm and deadpan on the outside, thus the severity of this illness is mostly secret to anyone she meets.

Megan knows she is paranoid but she thinks the paranoia is just and that is isn't a problem, regardless of whether others will agree with her or not. This is clearly one truth that she is desperately trying to cover.

Megan can come across as a control freak, as she feels like she must take personal control over many situations. She becomes paranoid that things are going to go wrong unless she can have a (large) say in certain matters.

Lastly, Megan is terrible at social situations, and despite the fact that she is very book smart and highly intelligent, she has almost no interpersonal skills and can unintentionally come across as brash or rude. Megan has little to no tact and despite the fact that she is a very sweet and selfless person, she often paints a terrible picture of herself.

Character Information
