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Niun Zeon by MadHatterMonster

Niun Zeon


Niun Zeon
mentally 30+

Don't use this character for your RPs, or random plot/stories without my agreement, ask first

formerly Ramwire

Weapons: electromagnetic nine "tails" dynamos on her back who can provocate electromagnetic barriers
Faction: neutral
Alt mode: canon/cybertronian jet

Personality: Actally emotionless. She used to be overhelmed by her own emotions. She has a strong personality, full of pride and fighting spirit. She likes to fight for pleasure and is unable to accept her mistakes but is the first to mention your errors in the battlefield.

Related with: Blackclaw(husband), Weakpurr(clone/daughther), BlackDeath(closer friend)

Story: Niun is an ancient cybertronian, her spark was formed at the beginnin of the golden age, she should be one of the first cybetronians born after the creation of the thirteen (this is funny, her name means nine and 9 is not a prime number LOLO brick'd) . She have the role of sciencist for a period of time where she knew her mostly closer friend, Black Death.
Wanting to change her role in life, desided to undertake the new goal to be a warrior, changed her principal jet altmode into a canon altmode with the help of BD, but for some anomalies, she become triplechanger, keeping her old alt mode.
In her way to becoming good at combat, she knew Blackclaw, who later becomes her consort. Stelar cicles later, Niun teaches BC to improve his combat skill fightint agains living primal forms from different planets around the galaxies. During a training with BC, them encounter a Guor, big and powerful kaiju that kills BlackClaw while protecting Niun, she does all the possible for keeping him alive but was in vain, her emotions of pain and desire of bringing him back overhelmed her own sistems that making her trying to clone him with the little rest of energom from his body, because was not enough energon for cloning him in a protoform, she takes the desperated desition to mix a bit of her energon with his, the result was a clone was a clone, a clone that resembles a mix of both together, that clone was weakpurr that was either online in that moment, was of a sort of stasis.
Failing one more time, Niun couldn't keep going with this feeling of failure and sorrow that asked BD to shut down her emotion reseptors, ordered BD to get rid fo those two bodies and continue to their way.

Character and art ©mine

Character Information
