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Moonflower | Quad Form by TempusObscura

Moonflower | Quad Form


Moonflower | Quad Form
4'0" ft.
119.7 lbs.
Moon Deity

Name: Moonflower
Breed: Celestial (Moon Deity)
Forms: Primary - Silver phase cheetah - x, Secondary - Anthropomorphic form - , Tertiary - Human form
Age: Unknown
Sex: Female
Status: --
Affiliation: The Moon (Lunar cycles and Tides)
Occupation: Deity
Weaponary: --
Origin: Glade of Serenity - Lake

Hair: A pure white crest of fur starting from forehead and ending between the shoulder blades. The majority of which is hanging over her right side is the length of "mane" that waves and hangs to the wrist joint of the front legs.
Eyes: Sea Green (Note: Can be with or without pupil. The pupil is not black, but dark green.)
Complexion: Silver Phase
Height: Head - 4'0", Withers - 3'5"
Weight: 119.7 lbs.
Physique: Petite
Distinguishing Marks: Two dark tear shaped spots on the brow area. She has three dark circles decreasing in size on the forehead that end on the bridge of the muzzle , the largest circle has a white center. The standard cheetah tear marks are crossed with a white V under the eyes and over the bridge of the muzzle. The ears also have the same standard white spot typical of all cheetahs. Two bands of dark silver are around the wrist joint of the front legs only, while all four feet fade to light gray on the toes. The lighter fur of her neck, chest, and underbelly are separated from the darker top coat by a band of white ending in a high arch near the thighs. Localized on the shoulders and hindquarters are variegating spots, they can be constant or changing. The only static spots are the sets of three white spots on the sides of the neck, elbows, and thighs; these have bilateral symmetry. The tail has four dark bands towards the end which has a white tip.
Piercings: --
Clothing: --

Likes: The Moon, bodies of water, night, flowers, lightning bugs, butterflies, peace, quiet, nature
Dislikes: Her shy and fearful nature, being so lonely, corruption of nature
Born of a mysterious light on the surface of lake in a hidden glade, Moonflower truly lives up to her beautiful name. Radiant as a white blossom under a full moon, she is delicate and beautiful. In her own right she is something very special, and not many ever get to see this timid beauty. Moonflower is very agile and quick on her feet in any form she takes, preferring to flee rather than interact with any being that approaches. Painfully shy, she is always alone, but wishes for a friend or at least someone's company. Despite her longing for companionship, she cannot seem to move past this hindering shyness and remains alone deep in the forest, never too far from her glade.

A rather unique side to Moonflower is her ability to sense changes in tides despite the fact she is no where near an ocean. Not only that, but she is capable of walking atop water so long as moonlight touches the surface. It is an ability often used when she feels the need to hear the Voice of the Water and to better connect her senses to the movement and flow of the bodies of water within a mile radius of herself.

Many ages ago on the eve of a full moon something caused a silence in the Glade of Serenity deep within the forest. On that particular night, when the tides pulled even and the air was completely still, the light of the celestial body was eclipsed by the Sun. In the darkness cast on the surface of the lake was a strange halo of light and from the depths did a large silvered orb begin to rise. As Sun and Moon crossed paths and the light returned, the beams of moonlight filtered down into the darkness of the lake, drawing up the silver orb like gentle fingers. Once on the surface, the orb began to disintegrate into a silver dust that formed a strange shape on the surface of the water.

The strange dust began to coil and mix with the water, forming a body. This body shifted shapes from feline, to something a mix of feline and human, and then at last a human shape. The light of the moon encapsulated the newly created form and in a burst of radiant light stood a newly born deity. Silver and white as the dust and light that had created her, sleek and beautiful in the form of a swift feline with eyes the color of the sea. In the reflection of the Moon she stood, looking up as a single white flower fell from seemingly nowhere to land softly before her as her name was whispered by a disembodied and ethereal voice...

"Moonflower" by Yuki Kajiura
"Voice of the Forest" by Felicia Sorensen
"The idol of the Time and Space" by Tetsuya Shibata

Character Information
