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Zenith/Zira Faeles by BlueRoses

Zenith/Zira Faeles


Zenith/Zira Faeles
Give or take a few thousand years

The final profile for my Incubus, Zenith, and his female side, Zira. Way too cool of a character to not have his own face.

** Fun Fact: "Faeles" is Latin for "seducer", and Zenith means "Peak" or "sky". Loosely translated, his name can mean "Seducer from the Sky" or "Heavenly Seducer". Basically, his name brags about his sexual prowess. XD

** Fun Fact: Every Incubus has a certain inherent ability; Zenith's ability is being able to turn himself entirely invisible. He also has a special technique he calls 1000 Hands that he likes to use when invisible. You can probably imagine its uses. :}

** Fun Fact: It must be noted that according to the folklore, Incubi find the seduction of Human males distasteful at best and detrimental at worst. Zenith follows this tradition, and only voluntarily approaches/seduces other males in times of dire hunger. Occasionally, he will be in a scenario where he owes another man a debt; if the man is willing, he will pay off the debt with his body. (This would be the Incubus equivalent of offering a starving man a hot meal.) Otherwise, he prefers the taste of women and ignores the advances of men. Likewise, his female side (Zira) prefers the taste of men, and dislikes approaching Human females.

Notes on Incubi/Succubi:

  • After research, I could find little evidence that would suggest this particular kind of "sex demon" actually exists, even in a spiritual sense. Best I could tell, they were a very early attempt by Puritans to explain away or excuse male wet dreams and unplanned pregnancies. Therefore, I prefer to call them "sex spirits" instead, suggesting that they are simply beings that absorb sexual energy in the same way that solar cells absorb sunlight. How "demonic" or "angelic" they are depends on individual choice.

  • Contracts made between an Incubus and a non-supernatural being are serious affairs and only made with careful considerations for both parties. Usually, it is an agreement made for a certain service in exchange for a food source. In the case of Zenith, he has a contract with the master of Hotel Darkest that allows him to use the club as his personal hunting ground in exchange for his promise to not harm anyone he targets.

  • Speaking of harm, being the prey of an Incubus is not without consequence(s); due to their age, pregnancy is not possible without the aid of a fertility spell, but more reckless Incubi may go beyond taking pure sexual energy and take life energy as well. In minor cases, the prey can have feelings of disorientation, memory loss, nausea, and illness very similar to a nasty hangover. In more serious cases, the prey can experience weight loss, fainting spells, and withdrawal symptoms like shivering, sweating, and fever (for it IS possible for a Human to become an Incubus junkie). In extreme cases, the prey can slip into a coma and/or die, though this only occurs in unusual situations (such as when the Incubus has been starved or is specifically trying to kill).

Any other questions? Ask them.

(c) Artwork, Zenith, and Zira are MINE.

Character Information
