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Therese Conner by JamesC

Therese Conner


Therese Conner
5'8" (1.72m)
Cabbit (Cat-Rabbit Hybrid)

Occupation: College Student (Game Design)
Personality: Flirty, playful, happy

Kids can be cruel, Therese is very much familiar with that particular notion. Much like she is now as a young adult, she was heavier even when she was just a small child. It wasn't a problem starting out, kids at first don't really register that some are rounder than others, just that they're maybe boys or girls and if they're a good friend and fun to play with. It was fine starting out, but with the years came the prejudices and the learned behaviors of those around. The teasing and picking on started just shortly after she started elementary school. She quickly came to... not really enjoy school. Thankfully, what few friends she had and her family were a big help for her and kept her from disappearing into herself. So despite the fact that people teased her, Therese relatively cheerful girl. Inside however she struggled with herself, wanting to fit in and make more friends just like everyone else. She took to trying to lose weight on her own by starving herself, which didn't work terribly well as one could expect. She even tried dieting pills, although after a trip to the nurse's office and then subsequently the hospital promptly put that plan to an end.

Her parents of course didn't just do nothing as this all happened, but they were perhaps not as supportive as they could have been. As Therese searched for things to keep her occupy her since she didn't have any friends her parents tried to get her engaged in things that she didn't really like to begin with. Cheerleading was one such thing, which didn't pan out when she was shunned by the cheerleaders and simply made fun of during the tryouts. The young cabbit found solace in her geekier interests instead. Video games was something that she quickly found herself interested in, and she found herself delving into the world of computers and gaming. Her parents were less than enthused, but accepted the fact that their daughter would likely not be that active in the more popular circles.

Despite the fact that Therese was something of a geek, she never really applied herself in her schoolwork and while she was certainly not a dumb girl, she wasn't a mental powerhouse either. Rather average in most respects, Therese was perfectly happy pulling in passable Cs. So long as she was passing her classes she was perfectly happy and didn't really care. However as school went on and she continued to grow up, she found herself craving friends and popularity, like so many other people. Puberty rolled around and her body bloomed, in a way. Still a chubby girl, Therese quickly developed curves so that she wasn't simply round. Breasts overtook her chest with swift ease and her hips widened, supporting a growing butt that had previously been relatively lackluster but at least now had a bit of shape to it. Bras were not something that she enjoyed wearing, finding them in the right size was difficult even starting out and as she grew up they became scarcer and scarcer. Her newfound femininity was both a curse and a gift, a curse predominantly because as we've already covered, kids can be cruel. Now the other children didn't just have her weight to make fun of, but they also had the fact that she was far bigger than most everyone else when it came to her butt and her breasts. Some even accused her of getting her breasts operated on so that people would like her more. Of course, that wasn't the case. But, there came a gift with her new curves. She found herself getting looks from some of the boys.

It started easy and simple enough, accentuating her body slightly here and there to encourage the looks. With encouragement from some of the boys, things slowly but steadily progressed onward. They snuck away and she showed them her body, sometimes in underwear - often times sans bra since she tended not to wear them - and sometimes completely naked. It was really only a matter of time before things went on from there and sex became and almost everyday thing for her. At first the rumors were relatively contained, but in time they started to circulate. At first the rumors simply went around among the boys, passing on the word that Therese would let them see and even do things if you were good about it. Then they spread to the girls. That of course simply gave them more ammunition, and she was promptly labeled a slut who did things for kicks, just so that people would like her. Strangely, that didn't bother her much. It wasn't until well into high school that the rumors truly reached the adults, first the staff and then her parents. Her parents were, unsurprisingly, less than pleased and promptly chastised her without even asking her if the rumors were true. Shame had been brought on their family as a result and it didn't matter if it was true to begin with, never mind the fact that she actually was something of a slut. Towards the end of high school it came out that the rumors were indeed true and her parents were even more outraged.

Luckily, high school graduation rolled around soon enough and soon after, Therese was off to college. She made a point to go to a college that would take her far away from her family, particularly since they wanted nothing to do with her anymore. Thrown out of the household Therese was on her own, shunned and rejected by even her family. Oddly enough this didn't seem to bother her much and instead she simply buried herself deeper into the world of gaming and computers. College afforded her a fresh start, although she didn't exactly reinvent herself fully as much as some did. Instead, she embraced herself. She's a gamer, she's chubby, and... she's a slut. She didn't mind these labels and in fact she started to take pride in them.

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