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Xavier Solomon by JamesC

Xavier Solomon


Xavier Solomon
Snow Leopard

Xavier's a rather happy and friendly cat, naturally suave and charming. He's always happy to get to know new people and make new friends, particularly among the more beautiful people. Of course, that doesn't mean that he discriminates, anyone that's pleasant enough to be around is welcome in his eyes. His taste in lovers is similarly broad, any he finds attractive and nice to be around is a possible candidate, no matter the gender or species. Because honestly, why limit yourself? Most people who have had the pleasure to get to know the green-dyed snow leopard whether platonically or intimately say the same things, he's a gentleman - although perhaps a touch too sexual to be true gentleman - and ever so eager to please others, not to mention a great friend in that he'll always respect you and who you are, although some have noted that he unfortunately does not taste of mint as his color might imply.
Keeping to the stereotype of a cat, he can be a little vain at times, always taking care to look his best whether it's by working out to keep himself in shape or by grooming. But then, is that truly a bad thing, wanting to look your best and taking care of yourself?

Since he educated himself and got his license as a massage therapist, Xavier has set up a small business around just that, catering to all either through letting them come in and taking care of them in his modest business locale, or with an out-call, taking his supplies and going where they are. He's established a small customer base of loyal and happy clients who manage to keep him afloat, and even a little more on good months. He's earned himself the reputation of an excellent massage therapist who knows what he's doing and will happily do what he can to accommodate his clients to ensure they are left feeling much better and satisfied. It is because of this that there is a little secret to Xavier and his business, in that he sometimes will even help his clients deal with their carnal urges and needs for a fairly nominal fee, although this is for the more loyal customers who have earned his trust.

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    This guy is pure gorgeous

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      "That's 'cause I'm pure awesome." flex, hipthrust

      Shush, Xavier. Back in your box.
      Glad you like him! I've got more art of him, I've got more art of all of my characters hidden away, still waiting to be uploaded. I'm slowly but surely getting it all up.

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        Same here. I use deviantart more than any other website, I have used it for so long, most the features have been worked out. New websites take a lot of time to adjust to. lololll "flex hipthrust" I think I am going to swoon.