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Wing by wing693789



5' 9"
Anthro Dragon


Physical description
Male, 16, straight, 5’ 6”
Dark brown hair
Blue eyes
Red/light maroon scales
No unusual markings other than a few scars, most on his right arm and abdomen in addition to a few on his wrists.

Quiet and depressed
Often anxious to the point of nausea
Easily frustrated

Likes and dislikes

Being alone
Being with Evelyn
The color grey
Corners that are out of the way
Flannel shirts

Most people
The Hunters

Wing’s Sword
A light weight and extremely sturdy sword. The hilt of the sword was designed to add an “extra punch” (stab wound) rather than just a blunt hit.
The red gem in the center is merely decorative.
Crafted by his father as a birthday gift when he was 5

Claw Pendant
Crafted by his father and designed to compress the body features of dragons into a human form. Being only a mere illusion, any cells separated from the main body will change back. Without the body conducting the illusion to the other body parts, it ceases to be concealed. Thus any swab of cells will not appear human, but appear dragon.
They understand its limitations, but not how it works.
When wearing it, Wing retains the same height, same hair color and eye color, scars remain in the same place, and so does voice.

Goes by Keith as human.

His father was a dragon. He had found a way to make a claw pendant to appear human. Using this device, he managed to go to college and get married to a human woman. Wing’s father never told his wife, and convinced her not to get an ultra sound scan. At birth, Wing’s mother, and the nurses at the hospital freaked out. His mother screamed “oh my god it has wings?” that was the last thing that Wing’s father heard his wife say before he had to grab the baby and escape before he was discovered. He named Wing after the last thing his wife said.
Wing and his father lived in a solitary cave in the forest. There, his father taught him English, math, and a bit of science, in addition to sword play and other techniques to help him protect himself such as flying and fighting. During that time, his father crafted him a sword (Wing’s Sword) and a Claw Pendant for Wing to use
When Wing was about 8, the Hunters had located their lair, and Wing’s father lured them away for Wing to escape. Wing hasn’t seen him since.
After the Hunters had located their lair, Wing had to leave so he wouldn’t be captured.

After traveling west, mostly by night, and remaining hidden during the day, he had run in to another Hunter encampment. He escaped, but passed out, and was taken into the nearest orphanage.

He was adopted by a couple who hadn't had any luck with having kids. When Wing was 9, his adopted mother miraculously became pregnant. Since his parents had beaten the odds, they were so focused on their “miracle child” to deal with Wing/Keith. Wing became essentially a servant to the family and their “miracle child”
At school he didn’t have friends; there were just people that didn’t him, and people that Wing didn’t hate.
During 8th grade, a skirmish broke out in a mall parking lot; Wing broke it up, and in the process saved Evelyn, one of his classmates. At school the next day, she recognized him, and forced him to come forth with the truth about him. The two of them have been together ever since.

Character Information
