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Zeezee by Zeta-Neubourn



32 or something
About 5' 7"
Alien Rabbit Thing

Neh, I promised myself I'd place Kenny in my Characters section first, but screw it.

This is kind of an old sketch I made sometime inbetween the first sketch I did of Misfit and the revamp of Dedi I made. (Speaking of, I might just make that it's own character and leave Dedi as she was.) So it's a bit old, but yeah!

So, I sorta remade Zeezee one day. I'm still trying to decide if I should stick with it... but yeah! Basically, I gave 'em arm-ears and a bajillion pawpads and some kinda jumpsuit. I think I was gonna give 'em a logo or something for it, but I couldn't think of one.

Anyways, I actually sorta came up with a little nutshell story for Zeezee, seeing as when I first made 'em, it was just for kicks. He's a really mischevious alien bunneh, in a nutshell. He likes to travel from planet to planet and do whatever he wants for fun, which leads to many a shenanigan. (Hadn't thought of any, yet. :P) He's pretty energetic when he's getting into trouble and rather laid back when he's not... but not for too long. He gets pretty bored easy, so he sort've bounces from thing to thing, unless it's eating food or playing videogames... in which where he gets most of his ideas to cause havoc. As far as an occupation goes, he usually delivers pizza. He actually takes pride in how quick he can get an order delivered, much to the dismay of local space traffic.

He's also given mercenary work a shot, since it gives him an excuse to use his four PhaserRay guns to shoot stun lasers at people... usually aiming for the groin, because "head shots are near as funny" as he says. He does get much repeat service, though, as he usually goes from planet to planet... that and he tends to have a destructive streak when getting things done. He'd make Micheal Bay blush, really. People usually get a bit skiddish about that kinda thing.

He drives a ship called the Spacehopper Lagocommet 42, which can shrink down to the size of a large marble, so he doesn't really need keys for it, as the ship can fit in his pocket. He usually carries around at least one of his PhazerRay's for protection, since some areas of space are less than desirable living spaces to deliver to. A guy has to protect his UCCs when heading back to the ship. (Universal Currency Credits) He also has blatant hammer space to put things. It's like regular hammerspace, except it only works if no one looks where he's reaching.

Also, Zeezee isn't his birth name, but... yeah!

Zeezee - Zeta-Neubourn

Character Information
